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But love is really all that we need.

♥I'm lost without you~
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hey. Today was damn suckish. First went to school early to practice dance and drama. Then assembly. Got scolded by Mrs Tay -.- She PMS everyday sia. Retarded. Then had malay. Boring as usual. Cikgu Ahmad still hasnt gone through oral and its like next week! Confirm die D: Then had Dance. The only good thing of the day. The assessment was awesome, ok. Seriously. It was just a bitbit too short. But they loved it anyway! :D Then stupid stalker ruined my mood. Then recess then Drama. Damn pissed already. Then Ms Kang pushed our assessment to next week. Lucky lah. Then English. Mrs Tay seriously very wth. She go scold 1/3 coz they were making a LITTLE bit of noise? So stupid =.= Then she go scold Pristina. Ask her to get out of the class coz Pristina was talking about Mrs Tay's sweating armpits O.O Ikr. Wth. But it was damn funny, the way she said it. Haha. Then Pristina wanted to stay in class but Mrs Tay keep asking her to go out. Wth is her problem. PMSPMSPMSPMSPMS EVERYDAY! -.- Frig her lahhh... Anyways. Tomorrow got EL exam! Damn scared! D: I wanna study, but idk what to study for el coz their's nothing to study... Sigh. Byeee.

@ 9/30/2009 04:41:00 PM

♥Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination~
Monday, September 28, 2009

Yeah, got that song stuck in my head. From just now! Gah. So irritating. Haha. Ok, anyway, today, not much happened. Erm, we had some exam briefing. Then P.E. played floorball! But I seriously suck lah. Hahah. The stick thingy feels so awkward. x) The got a lot of injuries. But not me, other people. Shernise got hit in the face! Owies, I know. Heh. Then Ayuni told me about her friendship problem. Her and her best friend (currently not lah. But yeah.). We still haven't managed to settle their problem. Sigh. Then had Science. Mr Faisal didnt come. Mr Rama relief teacher -.-'' At least he doesnt care what we do. Haha. So NO SCIENCE TEST! Lucky I never study, if not everything would be wasted. Haha. Supposed to do Science workbook, but me, Ayuni and Shernise went to take fan for the class. LOL. Damn gross lah, the old fan. And it was spoilt.

Then during recess I stayed in class till 11.35 round there coz had to do math. Then went down, met Shernise, Ayuni and Sharmaine talking to each other. I went to stand there. Felt so extra. Hahah. So I went to but my food first. The cue damn short (: Thats the good thing abt buying food late. Haha! Thern I went back to the table, they still havent made up -.- Sigh. They dont wanna admit that they're wrong. It was just a misunderstanding. Sad.

Then had El, whole class got scolded. Then math, damn boring. Then supposed to stay back for Drama but we didnt. And the exam is on Wed! D: confirm die lah! Sigh. But we planned to discuss online! ;D So it'll be okay. Heh. Then went home with Crissie. Now at home eating. Haha.

Nothing else to say. Byeeeeeeeeeee!

@ 9/28/2009 03:01:00 PM

♥Teenagers scare the living shit outta me~
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hey :D Yesterday had to go for history lessons in the morning. I was like one of the firsts to reach so I read. That book is frikin nice! Third nices book I've ever read. First is the whole Twilight Series then its Warriors series then this book! Its called Dark Visions. Its about psychic people with powers, obviously. Hahah. Anyway, the lesson passed super fast lah. It was very fun~ Talked to Ayuni, Sharmaine and Stephanie S.P. And Stef Yuen and Pristina a little. Then after that, Shernise invited me to go eat Roti Prata with them. I really wanted to go, but my cramps were murdering me! Sorry! D: I gtg now, needa go Church. Bye. Continue l8r

@ 9/27/2009 09:59:00 AM

♥You set my soul alight~
Friday, September 25, 2009


Just came back from TM! Actually, came back bout 30 mins ago x) Today was very long but hella fun. Haha. First had school until 11 coz got half day. Then went Kit's house to bathe and eat a bit before going to school to meet Li Yin and Jolene. Btw, Kit, thanks for giving me the you-know-what xD Oh yeah, and I used my black shirt and black jeans, but I forgot to pack shoes! So I had to use school shoes which were white! Gross, ok. Seriously. Haha. So embarrassing xD

Then met Li Yin and Jolene at school bus stop. Took taxi there. Split the cost, of course. I paid $1.40, I think. Or $1.60. Hahah. Then went to Pizza Hut. Ate A LOT. So damn full. Summore, after that went to Swensens to eat ice cream. The 8 scoop thing. Forgot what its called. Its the thing with the dry ice in it. Haha. Then, thanked Ms Tan and Jolene and Kass left. But me, Kit, Li Yin, Ravina and Danielle went shopping! =]

Yeah, so I bought a book from Times and a thingy from Diva. Btw, Li Yin, thanks for the ten bucks! RAWR! :D

Then took Bus 3 home with Danielle. Yep, that's it :D Have to go for History lessons tomorrow so I must finish at least 3/4 of my hmw by today! Argh. Btw, I might be moving house sooner than expected! YAY! I so cant wait, man! And the best thing is that I might finally, FINALLY get my own room in the attic! :DDDDD But, I have to split in half and share with Kyle -.- But IDC lah! At least its still the attic and my own room :D Haha. And its also right next to my uncle's house, and he has my dream dog so I can play with her everyday! HAHAH! I CANT WAIT!~~ The only thing left to do is persuading my parents to get that house, coz its owner now is my mum's close colleague and her colleague is selling it for only $1.6. I think my parents are seriously considering buying the house coz last night they were calling her up, checking the dono what money stuff and everything! :D Plus, its convenient and I still get to go to SAC!~

Its the PERFECT house, even though it ain't a BIG house or anything. Hahah :D Hopefully we buy it by this year or starting of next year (: And its fate coz yesterday, someone was giving out flyers at my block, saying tht somebody URGENTLY needs to buy a house in my block. So, its the PERFECT OPPURTUNITY! Seriously la. Its like.. Once in a life time? Hahah.

Oh, btw, this is my 100th post! :DDD Haha. Today is such a great day :) Makes me feel so happy, for once. Hahaha :D

Byeeeeeeee (:

@ 9/25/2009 04:58:00 PM

♥That girl's a ge-ni-ous~
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Heyy! This post is probably gonna be a long one, coz I'm combining yeterday's and today's post (: Kay.

Erm, yesterday met Drama group at Simei MRT. Took 9 there. I was the first one, even though I left the house at 1.40. I thought I was gonna be late, man. Haha. Then I had nothing to do, so I walked around. Went pet safari to see the dogs! Hahah. Damn cute. All pupies! But... Cloudycloud:Samoyed ; is gone! *CRIES* D: I hope someone bought him, and they didn't put him to sleep... Sigh. Anyways, cant help it, lah. K, then I sat at this bench outside the shop, and this man sat down with this ginormous lab. Super kee-ute, okay?! Then he let me play with the dog! Haha. The dog lick me A LOT, I tell you. But I dont care. Heck, I LOVED IT! Haha.

Then said ty to the guy then went to 7 11 coz I was damn thirsty. Bought some juice that costs 95cents! x) Then waited outside the shop. Oh yea, the props were frikin heavy -.- Then Shernise came! Then waited, and waited, and waited. And then I sensed someone behind. So I turned, and Jayne was there xD I turned around one sec before Shern did. And Jayne was like directly behind her. Hahah. Then we went ito the shop. I didn't buy anything. Then Rene came with Jing Yi. Rene was L-A-T-E! But idc (:
Apparently, Jing Yi was there coz she's in Rene's group for Dance and they came directly from Pristina's house. Hahah. Anyway, then Jing Yi left. And we took 5 then 10 to Jayne's house. And it was raining!:) Oh, and Shernise told me bout Final Destination and Rene kept on interrupting by singing Single Ladies xD

Anyway, on bus 10, right, there was this teen-man in front of us. He kept making this weird noises... Then suddenly, he stretched his arm behind to us, at Rene. We thought he was asking for her hp or smth coz she was using it. Then we all stared, then Rene said "what?" LOL. It was DAMN funny. We were laughing like HELL. At least me and Shern were, la. Jayne was like in shock, and Rene was like wtf... Hahaha. Then this maid that was sitting next to me saw what happened and she was laughing also. Lols. Seriously la. Then the guy turned around again. And did the same thing. Then his father or whoever told Rene that he wanted to shake hands. Then Jayne shook his hand xD Funny. I couldn't stop laughing. Seriously! Idk why. I just kept laughing. Anyways, then the guy started making these we-ird gestures o.o Damn freaky. Haha. Then we alighted at Jayne's stop. Stopped raining already D: Then reached her house. Then went up to her room, played with her cat! So cute! Hahaha. His/Her? name is Crackers! Hahah! Damn cute. But it was scared of us. Lols. Then Jayne's sisters kept annoying us xD Hahah. My sisters used to be like that : Passed notes through under the door, want to come in and see what I'm doing... etc.

Then procrastinated, as expected x) Kept saying "Ok, can we do Drama?" "Yeah, ok" But we ended up doing some other things. Hahah. Then we finally did it. Ate twisties also :) But we were still like starving so we ate sausages also. Then uhh... I forgot what we did, but anw, I know we went down to Ice Cream Chefs! Damn nice. I bought Creme Brulle (sp?) . Shiok, siahh xP. $3.10. But it was worth it =] Then my mum called. Said she was coming to pick me up already. Then went up to pack my stuff. And my parents sent Shern home also. Then at a traffic light, there was this old man. He was crazy, literally. He was like damn old and skinny. He had a very long beard and it was like knotted up. Like totally knotted. And his clothes were literally torn and tattered. He was wearing this brown, very very loose shirt thingy that had a LOT of holes. And it was drooping and all. And shorts, I think. Then we was like looking into people's cars. SCARY. Then he came to my car. My mum was like : Dont look at him. Pretend to talk to each other.

Haha. Then my dad told us a story. Something similar happened to him. Sorta. Lols. Anyway. Then dropped Shern off. Went home. Idk why I saw so many weird people today. Hahah. Then at night rushed through the eCareers thing. Managed to finish it but couldn't print coz no ink. Thought I was gonna die. But I didnt care xD Its just teh tarik, anyway. Who gives a damn. Then at night, read and read. Haha. Kay, anyway, now for today's post :D

Ellios. So today, was okay.. Erm, we didnt do anything for history coz Ms Yu didnt come and there was no relief teacher! Wheee~ Heh. Read Ayuni's mag. Talked and talked a lot. Then gossiped a little about,,, meh, you should know who ;D Then went for the Study Skills thing. We learnt how to hypnotise ourselves! I am so gonna try it later! If I have time. Today was the last session of the Study Skills D: So short the course. Then had VES/1 , the period I was dreading for today (coz I didnt print out the eCareers thing) But luckily, she didnt scold! LOL. Apparently, a LOT of people didnt print. Some didnt even do the thingy. She didnt even care. Everytime I rush to do smth, it almost never has to be colected. So stupid. Then everybody started printing to the main printer. And the printer was like vomiting paper! It just kept coming and coming and coming out. Until had no more paper. Then put in summore, and it went on and on and on. LOL! Super funny. Then there were papers scattered EVERYWHERE on the teacher's table. And everybody crowding to help sort it out.

Anyway, I managed to find mine! Then went for recess. Stayed in class for a feast. Haha. The malay pupils brought hari raya food to share! Super delish. Then went down. Blah blah. Whatever, usual recess stuff. Then went up, ate some of Ayuni's biscuits and stuff. NICEE! Then read her mag summore then went for art. Boring D: Had to do some Oral Presentation which makes up 15% of our final grade. Ugh. I think my group screwed up! D: But nvm, at least we tried, right? Heh. Then went to look for Ms Kang coz we were supposed to preview our perfomance today. But she was busy ; had to attend some meeting. So we made certain arrangements ^^

Then went home. Saw Sally and LiYin;Mummy at the sunken foyer. They told me about SOME STUFF. Hehehh :DD Embarrassing :$ LOL. Then took bus home. Read in the bus xD Then had pasta for lunch! :D OH YEAH! Two or three nights ago, I found another cat under my block! He looks EXACTLY like Syle, only the new cat was smaller ; an old kitten, almost adult cat, so his fur was softer than Syle's. And the scariest thing was that its eyes were EXACTLY the same as Syle's. It changes colour from green to golden/yellow. And has the same like... Idk how to explain, but its the same, I'm telling you. So I think maybe Syle actually, really died D: (He's been missing for 2/3 months now. IMY SYLE! Hahah) I think this new cat is the incarnation of Syle so I named him Skylar (: He is damn cute! And I finally saw both of Skunky's kittens! Even cuter! Haha. They're both white, and their tails are almost exactly the same as Skunker's! :D So happy. They dont look anything like Tigger, though. Sigh. Haha. Kay la, I needa do El hmw now. I've been putting it off since 3.30. Buh-bye! :D

P.S. I think this is the longest post!~

@ 9/22/2009 04:31:00 PM

♥Tell me how can you breathe, how can you sleep~
Monday, September 21, 2009

Ello. I'm gonna go ta Jayne's house l8r to practice Drama. Meeting at Simei MRT station at 2. So maybe I'll go a bit earlier, go to East Point first... If I can be bothered to x) Heh. Then.. Idk. Lucky got no hmw!~ Feel so free. But exams coming soon ; sighs D: If life is really as short as they say.. Why the hell are we in school? We might as well enjoy life while we're alive on Earth..

Oh, and I've been thinking. About something really funny. If I say it now, it might not be funny but if you see it as how I'm thinking it, I bet you'll laugh xP So, I was wondering. If the Apocalypse is really coming in 2012, then everyone will die, right? But like then everyone will go to either Heaven or Hell, right? Then won't there be a LONGLONGLONGLONGLONG cue of people lining up, waiting to be judged? xD I wonder how long we'll have to wait... LOLS. Unless, OH! I forgot about Purgatory! (Is that what its called? =X Heh) LOL. K, its not that funny anymore, coz I forgot bout Purgatory. Hahah. Have to eat now, then going Jayne's house. Maybe I'll blog abt it l8r :D BYEEEEE~

@ 9/21/2009 12:06:00 PM

♥You don't know how you've betrayed me~
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Heyyy! 20.09.2009. That's today's date. Heheh. Cool. Kay, so today was hecka suckish. First had catechism class then went for Mass. I slept during Homily xP heh. Then went to my dad's friend's hari raya party. It was uber boring, ok?! (Btw, I'm trying to change my style of writing. For some reason lahrs.) Then like we had to stay there for one frikin hour, doing literally nothing -.= Ikr. Gosh. Kay, then uhh.. went home, studied for like 2 stupid hours. And my dad just came in and didn't believe that I was studying. WTF, sia! Then scol me for no reason. Damn him. GOD. Sometimes, I just wanna rip his face apart. I dont even care if he's my stupid father. I just want to see him dead, cold, lifeless, bleeding before me, because of me...

Okok, nuff of that. Erm, yeah, that's one of my dark thoughts that I think about almost ALL the time. Seriously la, he always looks at me with those cold eyes, and I stare back at him (I always do when I see people staring at me (habit)) then he frikin scolds me. Wth, right? I mean like, he started it! Stare at me for no damn reason, so I stare back coz its my NATURAL INSTINCT and he scold me for that. GODDAMIT.

Eew, I dont wanna ruin my pretty blog with profanities. Hahah. Nvm, that's bout all I did today. Sucked, I know. Later going out for dinner but I dun wan! I wanna stay at home. Too bad I'm forced to go. I don't even see he point in going when I'm not gonna enjoy myself! Stupid. Everything's stupid and complicating. Why can't I just die already?! Damn. Yeah, I'll end this post now. Bye.

@ 9/20/2009 04:59:00 PM

♥Clock keeps ticking, time's running out~
Friday, September 18, 2009

Oh, btw, forgot to mention. Shernise is officially my Saviour! Hahaha! Seriously, she saved my life like twice, three times, idk. But thanks! Heh :D RAWR!

@ 9/18/2009 09:45:00 PM

♥Ignorance is your new best friend~

Heyy! Gosh, I feel so jumpey! Hahah. Idk why. Anyway, erm, today was quite fun, besides the fact that I had a headache throughout the whole day. Ugh. So, first had HHP. I just read. Then we discussed class tee! Heheh. Hope it's pink! Haha. Coz it was the best out of the options. No black! Sigh. Ok, then had malay. Erm, as usual, I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was definitely irrelevant. LOL. Seriously. That guy is in his own world. Shit. I read some more during malay. Ayuni also wanted to read, but found out that she was cheated by Popular, coz her book had some printing problem D: But she cant refund it coz she bought it like three weeks ago. Yeahh. Dk what she's gonna do la... Then Science. Boring as usual. Couldn't read though. LOL. So had to endure it. Sigh. At least it was only doing corrections x) Then recess! Haha. Stayed in class. Played Uno with Sharmaine and Ayuni! Then Xtine came up, gave me back my $3 and played Uno also. LOL. She won. Hahah. Seriously, that was the first time playing Uno in like 3 years. Hahah. I still managed to come in second! :D Then Ms Pua came to class like 10 mins early! Damn weird. Everyone panicked xD Rushed back to my seat. Then, yea, had math. BO-RING I tell you. Then had er.. oh, Lit. Got graded assignment! D: It was okay I guess. But my essay was super messy and I think a little too short! D: Die lah. Damn. Then Geog, okay la. Not as boring as usual. I didnt feel sleepy! Haha. First time~ xD Then after that, went to Bubbletea shop with Li Yin, Jolene and Kit Wai! But it was raining like HELL so we went up to Kit's house to get umbrellas xD Hahah. Then walked. My shoes and socks were soaking! Haha. Anyway, that was my first time going to BBT shop with them! I bought kaya waffle and twisties! Heh. Then ate, and ate. Then walked back. Not so heavy the rain, but still a bit heavy. Then reached school. Took off my shoes and socks. SO FRIKIN WET! Went to change to blacks. Then walked for rice! LOL. I went barefoot coz my socks and shoes were wet. Ok, then Drama. Fun, tiring, then got some problem lah. But it worked out in the end. Hugged almost everyone! Literally! Hahah! Some Drama hugging session? xD Idc, it was nice :) Then went to put on my shoes. SO GROSS! It was still drenched. But I cant not use socks. So no choice la. Hahah. It was so DISGUSTING! It was like squishy xDDD Gross la, but no choice. Sigh. Then took bus home. Yeah. Oh, and got no homework so I finally have time to write! Haven't written in so long, manzx. Seriously. Haha. Kaykay, byeeeeeeeee~ :D

@ 9/18/2009 07:39:00 PM

♥Blow the candles out~
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

EVERYTHING FRIKIN SUCKS! *Cries* I hate life, I hate love, I hate lust. Why couldn't God make me a wolf or lion or tiger or raven or eagle or any other animal?! Tskk. Animals don't have school. Knowing that you're gonna die at any moment is better than school ; WAY better. I dont even give a damn bout anything anymore. I need comfort but no one's there for me. EEEW. I'M SO WEAK! SINCE WHEN DID I BECOME LIKE THIS?! FRIKIN HELL. You know what? I dont care anymore. I dont care what I become in the future coz everyone's gonna die sometime or other. I wish I lived in a fantasy land. Where everyone.. Oh wait. Shernise helped me. Hahahahaha! I didnt understand my stupid english hmw. And she helped me. You're the best, canzx? RAWR!♥♥♥ So I guess not everyone's that bad. Heh. Maybe being a human ain't so bad after all... As long as you have friends. Then I'll care about the future... I guess. Hahah. Omg, Shernise, you changed my life with 3 sentences... Thanks :D Heh. All my other friends are great too. Yeahh... They all made me re-think bout life. But yea, even after all this, I'm still gonna pray to God EVERY NIGHT to make me a Wolf (Or cat or vampire xP) in my next life... :) That is, IF there is such a thing as re-birth, which I hope. Cos I wanna know what being a wolf feels like. Even for just a minute. As in REALLY feels like not what I dream (Yeah, literally dream. Not just fantasize) about :) Suddenly, I'm in a much better mood. Thanks God (and Shern. Hahaha♥) =] Kay, gonna do my english hmw now lahrs. Hahah, byee :)

@ 9/16/2009 08:59:00 PM

♥She's got everything that I have to live without~
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

HEYYY! Omg, so many things happened. Sorta. Ermerm, some good, some bad. Yeah, the usual - That stupid bitch is still annoying me like hell. She is FOREVER accusing me, canzxc? Damn her. Whatever. Kay, good stuff is erm, some a little private (SO IM NOT GONNA POST IT FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE THEN LATER WHEN SOMEONE ACCIDENTALLY SEES IT, I WONT BLAME MY ENEMY FOR SHOWING IT TO THE PERSON THAT HAPPENED TO SEE IT!) I'm losing my cool. Okok, I'll continue blogging before I really lose it. (Im practically steaming now -.-) Err... OH! I WANNA CHANGE MY BLOG URL! I already know what I'm gonna change it to! Hopefully its not taken =.= Heh. What else.. Okay, about today...
History was boring. As usual. Pristina slept. Then got caught. LOL. But Ms Yu only asked her to wash face. Bleh. Haha. Then had the Study Skills thing. Forgot to bring my file. Haha. Then I found out that next week was the last session! D: Sadd... Sigh. Then had VES1 thingy. So stupid luhr, that period! Make everyone so sleepy only. Then RECESS :D went with Shernise, Poh Yi, Yan Xin and Amanda. Bought cookies. Lol. Ahaha. I didnt have the apetite for anything else. Heh. Then Life Arts for the remaining 3 hours. SO SLACKY!:D That's the only reason that I love art. Ahaha! Seriously, cher doesnt even care, canzxzx?! Wheeeee~ Did the blog and poster for Boom Boom Pao. Hahah. Then school over~ Went to Bubbletea shop with Shernise, Xtine and Yan Xin. Then reached the shop, saw Debbie, Nicolette and I think Elizabeth was there. Ahaha. Nicolette so poor thing, had to walk to the shop with her sprained ankle xD So went home, took the bus. Yeah. Then reached home, the usual stuff. Fb-ed, hmw, etc.



@ 9/15/2009 08:12:00 PM

♥This is the sound of settling~
Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey! My relationship's at risk D: All coz of one stupid, evil bitch. Eew. Ok, anyways, today was damn fun! Even though its Monday. Ugh. Kay, erm, im too lazy to blog now -.- Nothing special happened anyway, but two people pissed me off BIG TIME! Too bad I cant bitch bout them here. SIGH. Kay la, bye, I guess

@ 9/14/2009 10:02:00 PM

♥You were hanging in the corner with your 5 best friends~
Friday, September 11, 2009

Today was crap. Ermerm, Drama was fun but tiring. Hahah. Played games as usual. Erm, yea, nothing much happened today. Talked to Li Yin, Kit Wai, Jolene, Leeyann and Grace during Drama. Yeahh... Er, then went home. I was so frikin tired in the bus. Then got no seats summore. I looked like an idiot on the bus. Dont ask why. So i went home, fb-ed. I think my like is shitty. And I'm such a loser. I am. Seriously. Ugh... I come home, and the first thing I do is use the com... Then i play for hours and never get any work done. I frikin hate myself, coz I cant change my habits. Why did people have to invent the Internet? People's lives would be so much better -.= Crapshitass la. Whatev.

@ 9/11/2009 08:21:00 PM

♥Coz I'm in love with you~
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today went to Shern's house to do drama :D DAMN FUN siolzxz. Haha :) I was the first to reach, so couldn't rehearse, right? So we played this game called Dragonica. Funnn~ Oh, and Shern's sis so cuteeeee! OH! And Oreo, Shern's dog, even cuter! Hahaha~ :D Then, Rene come. Still play the game. Hahah! Then like just after Rene came (we went to fetch her), Sharmaine called to say that she just reached the bus stop! Wahpiang! Haha. Just reached the house, y'know?! So, we ask Sharmaine to come up by herself XD Then she came, and Oreo started chasing her all over the house! DAMN FUNNY, CAN?! HAHAH! SHE WAS LIKE SHAKING THE GATE TO GO OUTTA THE HOUSE!!! DAMN DRAMA LA! Haahahahahhaah XDDDD. Then we had to lock Oreo in the kitchen coz of Sharmaine D: Anyway, then play the game summore while waiting for Jayne to come. Then we ate first. Food nice also :D Hahah. Fried rice and hot dog :D Then Jayne called, but we lazy to go down, so ask her to come up herself. Hahah. Then she came with this orange balloon o.o LOL. Anyway, then Rene was being mean. Teased Jayne. Haha. Then, we ate, and found out that Sharmaine didnt know how to pour water XD wth right... LOL. Then after that, we did Drama. Apparently, Hillary wasnt coming. Typical *rolls eyes and sighs* haha. So we did by ourselves lor. Practiced practiced practice, played with Reo, Sharmaine sat on the sofa the whole time coz she was scared of him. LOL. Ermerm, yea, so practiced, then Sharmaine faced her fear and found out that she actually liked Oreo. Ahaha! But she was still scared... -.- Anyways, after we practiced, we talked bout animals, random stuff, funny retarded stuff... yeahh.. then er... listened to music, played some guess the song game, talked a lot la. then went home, fb, blog :D Haha. Kay, im getting tired. Hehehe. BYEEEEE! RAWR!!!!!!! (ILY in dinosaur language :D)

@ 9/10/2009 07:15:00 PM

♥I wish I could drive away til the sun set back to the day that we first met~
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holidays still suck. But heck. At least they're better than usual school. Hahah! Wheee~ I'm in love :D And not ONLY with Adam Lambert ;D Okok, before people start flooding my tagboard, ermerm, I shall change the topic (: This morning I had to wake up early to go for history lesson =.- Wth right. It started at 8, and I reached at 7.58 XD Lucky Mr Ramlee never scold as much as usual. Heheh. Then after that, had to rehearse for dance project. We didnt rly do anything. PROCRASTINATION~
So we were just chilin in the hall. LOL. We managed to finish a bit luhr... a BIT. Yeahh :D Then Rene's grp and Pristina's grp were also there, but they were doing the EL project. Rene was supposed to be Lady Gaga. LOL. Lady Gaga in a hoodie, red skinnies, white shutter shades and brown hair instead of the usual blonde wig XD Then my grp helped be the "fans" as in fans like people fans, not fans as in the wind-producing objects. Hahah (: Then we were screaming, right, and we didnt know that N levels were going on in the Science block which was directly opposite the hall. Ahaha! Then this teacher came to scold us xD Lucky she forgive us. If not.. Uhh.... Nevermind =] Ok, so. Ah.. Oh, we just went home la. Took the bus with Nicolette and Elizabeth. Then reached home, fb-ed, had lunch, watched my sisters act like retards (as usual), then now blogging :] Hahah. Kk, bye~ Wheeeeeeeeeee~ ;D

@ 9/09/2009 01:55:00 PM

♥Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside~
Monday, September 7, 2009

Ello. Now that I read my previous post, I think I sounded kinda despo, right? Ahaha. Maybe I won't go out after all.. Sigh. Don't think I have time anyways. Coz got school on everyday besides Thursday. Then Thursday I going out with my family. Sigh... Idk luhr, I'll just see how it goes :) Hahah, byeeee <3
Btw, I am so pissed at myself, but so frikin happy too. It's hard to explain. I feel high. LOL!!!! JK. Hahah. Kay, byeee. I feel like screaming in this weird way.. I'm feeling really weird... SIGHSIGH.............. *Dreamy* Hahah. Kay, bye

@ 9/07/2009 08:52:00 PM

♥Don't let me go, don't let me go~
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Holidays are so boring sometimes. Sigh. Got nothing to do. Finished my homework already, fb-ed till got nothing hahah. Dono la... Friends cant go out.. Maybe I should spend quality time with myself at the mall or something. Or the library... Hahah. I need some alone time :) Yeah, actually, I think that's a pretty good idea. Maybe I'll go watch a movie, buy clothes, spend money, go arcade.. No no, arcade is only fun with friends. Hahah. Kay, so I shall go out be myself one day :D Wheee!~ Looking forward to it. Hopefully, my parents allow me. Hahah. Kay, byeeeee~

@ 9/06/2009 07:10:00 PM

♥To be kicked when you're down,... And no one's there to save you~
Saturday, September 5, 2009

The title is exactly how I'm feeling right now... Pissed, hurt, yeah.. No one believes me. I dont even know why. I didnt lie or anything recently. I just feel so ignored. Ugh, my life is pretty much crap right now.

@ 9/05/2009 10:13:00 AM

♥Everytime I try to fly, I fall~
Friday, September 4, 2009

Hellios. So the holidays are here, right, but I am dreading them D: Mainly coz there's so much hmw. And we have to go back to school for extra lessons and all.. Stupid luhr. Kay, anyways. I am damn lazy to blog about tuesday. LOL. Just read it in Chrishernal. It'll be posted sooooooon, I hope =X Hahah. Kay. Erm.. Oh, you can also read abt it at ♥Shernise's blog ; www.lovevenu-e.blogspot.com. She privated it. Ask her on msn or personal to invite you to the blog, kays? =] Ok, so today...
Was damn boring. I slept in 3 classed =XXX Er, malay, math and geog. Hahah. I didnt get caught for any of them. Heheh :D I did my math hmw during recess and I didnt feel like going for recess so I just stayed in class with Ayuni and Crissie. Lols. Mmm.. Oh, then yesterday, there was this baby lizard on my desk, then I got a frikin big shock. LOL. I jumped out of my chair. LITERALLY. Hhahaa. I ran over to Poh Yi's desk XD Then Debbie used her hands to catch it but it went to the brooms. Haha. I think Ms Yu was also scared, canzxzx? Damn funny. Sigh.. Hahah. I plan to finish 3/4 of my holiday hmw today. I already finished Science, half of math and 1/4 of malay. Lit will take a long time. Geog also. History not sure lah. Tired of blogging now. Ahahah. Byeee

@ 9/04/2009 02:58:00 PM

♥I close my eyes and the flashback starts~
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hey. Sorry I didnt blog about yesterday. And I cant blog about it now, coz I am SUPERBLY busy. You really wouldnt wanna be me right now... Or any other day. Yea, anyway, the point is, I cant blog now. The time I will probably blog will either be tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow, but I think most probably will be on Friday. Yeahh, kaykay. I seriously HATE MY LIFE DDDD: I wanna cry D;
K, byeee. And pity me :( Jk, bbbbbbbb

@ 9/02/2009 05:57:00 PM

♥You're not alone. There is more to this I know~
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hey!!! I CANT WAIT! I AM SO EXCITED!!! Hahah. I'm going out with Xtine, Shern and Yan Xin later :D I haven't been out in such a long time. That's why I'm so excited. We'll be watching a movie. Dono which one yet. Also gonna eat lunch, but dono where. So basically, we're just gonna go with the flow when we reach there. LOL. Uhh... what else... Think that's it? Guess so. I'll blog later when I come home :] Buh byeee~

@ 9/01/2009 10:43:00 AM