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But love is really all that we need.

♥So why your love went away, I just can't seem to understand~
Saturday, February 27, 2010


I know I haven't updated this blog for a super long time.

Can't believe I'm letting my blog die ):

I promised myself I wouldn't.

But I've been busy, and my bro's been using my com.

I'm not gonna blog for all the days I've missed out coz that's too much, so I'll just blog about today.

This morning, went to cut hair.

Christine followed.

Went TM to cut.

Over there, just layered.

Then went Loyang Point to cut my fringe only. Hahahah.

Wanted side fringe, but after the guy cut, looked weird.

So decided to cut bangs coz if it grows out, it'll become like side fringe.

So cut lah.

Now I look so weird!

But Shernise says it's pretty.



So not used to it.

Then went back to Crissie's house.

Had lunch.

Used the com.

Then followed her parents and younger bro to IKEA.


Went back to her house, ate a little, then her parents sent me back.

My mum still hasn't seen the cut, but all my other family members says its nice o.o

Idk what's wrong with their eyes! Hahaha!

I really look weird!

Oh, my youngest sister says I look funny but it's nice.

I was like -.-

And she started laughing.

We-irddd girl.

Anyway, then skipped dinner coz I was so full.

Then went downstairs to see the Chingay floats pass by!

Hahah. I was damn tired lah, but it was okay.

Got all the people waving and stuff.

And the music.

I'll never forget the music.

In my head, I was like dancing the dance. Hahah.

Then went home.

My bro went out so I can finally use my com (:

Kk, bye.

Hopefully, I get to blog tomorrow!


There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations


@ 2/27/2010 10:15:00 PM

♥They'll be the King of Hearts, you'll be the Queen of Spades~
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I know I haven't updated in a long time,

But it's coz my bro got a break from army for the CNY holidays,

So I lent him my laptop for the whole time (:

Anyway, I forgot where I stopped blogging and I'm too lazy to make a new tab to check.

So, I'll just blog from last Friday.


Had school.

Was late for Art, according to Ms Chia, so she started nagging at us.


But I dont give a damn bout her.

Why worry about little problems like a (super) naggy teacher?

Then had recess, then went for CNY celebration which was freaking boring.

Then school ended (late, some more).

Oh yeah!

Got a lot of Valentine's Day gifts!

Thanks guys!♥

Love you all.

Then went to the bus stop with Christine.

Went opposite to the playground for awhile coz the bus stop was freakin crowded.

Then went back, but it was still crowded -.-

So waited awhile, and in the end, idk how, Shernise, Valerie and Sherlyn decided to go to Christine's house.


So I followed also.

In the bus, ohmygod.

I was damn hyper. Hahah.

Shouted HCNY! and all.

And this guy was irritated at us I think.

Coz we kept sitting next to him >.<

Except me :D


Seriously, everyone took turns sitting next to him o.o

HAHAHAH. Sounds damn weird when I say it like that.

Anyway, then reach Christine's house.

Went to Loyang Point first.

Went to Macs.

Oh, and Christine got us all carnations!


Then went her house, played com, had lunch.

Then took 17 back with Shernise then went home.


Ohmygosh, I forgot what I did today.


I slept almost the whole day.

I felt sick.

But I wasn't.

I think it was just normal cramps.


Today sucked.

It was a day of love and death.

Nothing more to say.


Went to Bugis for lunch.

Damn awesome the food.

Walked around, but almost everything was closed for CNY.

Then went home, at night, suddenly decided to watch Percy Jackson.

So went online to book tickets,

but almost every cinema was damn full.

So went to the bugis one.


The movie was damn awesomeee!


The show ended at 11.30, so I didn't do anything else for the night.


Today was okay.

Passed by really slowly, which is actually a good thing for a holiday.

Went to Parkway in the evening, bought books from Borders.


Man, I'm so damn annoyed with myself! :(

Anyway, that's it :)

OH, and I think I got over K.L.


Not sure.

Ok, bye!


Trust is like a mirror, once it's broken you never look at it the same again

@ 2/16/2010 08:42:00 PM

♥As I burn another page, as I look the other way~
Wednesday, February 10, 2010



Monday was okay.

Had P.E. first.

Didnt go coz I was coughing badly.

So I sat out with Amanda! :)

I hate P.E. hahah.

Even when I just watch them run under the hot hot sun, I feel for them :P

Then had Science.

Quite okay (:

Then recess!

Forgot what we did.

Then Math I think, forgot.

Math always sucks, so yeah. Hahah.

Then got one more period, forgot already.

Then school ended.

Went for lunch with Kit Wai, Li Yin, Jolene and Andrea!

Then went for Drama, babeh.


So freaking funnn!

Then went homeee (:


Tuesday was also okay :)

Uhm, all lessons were boring.

I think.

Oh, we finished watching My Fair Lady today! (:

So awesome.

But the ending was so abrupt!

There wasn't any kiss! HAHAH.

We were like all expecting a kiss, but there wasnt any ):


Oh, and luckily our Graded Assignment wasn't today.

Then the rest of the day was boring I think.

Then after school went to the bubble tea shop with Shernise and Geraldine!

Then Geraldine left, and Christine came!

Then took the bus back home with Xtine.

Then did homework and studied like shit for english GA tomorrow.

But I was facebooking at the same time, so I got pretty distracted :\

But I still managed to get a lot of info!

And I memorised their backgrounds! (The great people's)


Today was quite fun.

Some lessons were fun, some were okay some were dead boring.

Had malay first.

Had a test-like thing.

I got quite good results, so okay.

But I think I'll fail for my malay common test.


Then had VE.

Quite okay.

Then had English!

Graded assignment!

I dont know, I'm not sure if it was difficult or not.

It wasnt really hard I think, but it was tricky.

The topics were :

1. Some great people are born
2. Heroes
3. Great leaders are born

I'm not sure if the first one is correct, but the other two are.

I chose to write on heroes.

After the G.A., the teacher was like "I hope you didnt get heroes mixed up with great people"

I was like... OH SHIT.

But she said if you mentioned it at the start, should be fine.

So I was like "phewww".


Damn retarded.

Like panic then relief.

Anyway, then after English had recess!

Went with Shernise and Amanda.

Wanted to go with Xtine but couldn't find her.

Wanted to tell her something but I forgot what.

Then had Math.


But not as boring as the other math lessons, idk why.

Then had DRAMA (lesson, not CCA)

So funnn!♥

I love drama.

So nice, so fun, so cool.

So its awesome.

Then stayed back with Crissie and Shernise a while.

Then took the bus back with Xtine.

Then went home (:

Luckily got no tests this week.

But in two weeks is common test!

Surely die.

I haven't studied for anything!

And it's like the week right after Chinese New Year!

Luckily I only celebrate on one day.

But I'm going out on Monday and Tuesday! ):

I have to mug like shit on Friday and Saturday.


If not I die.

My grades will drop and I wont be allowed to go out anymore.

Whatever, I'll see how it goes.



P.S. The quote below is Adam's favourite quote. Heheh.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace

@ 2/10/2010 04:06:00 PM

♥I will break into your thoughts with what's written on my heart~
Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Camp corri was awezum!


First, went to school.

Then assembly and all, then the instructors came.

My instructors were Adlin and Qimm; Group 16.

Then went to the campsite.

It was a freaking long drive there, man!

Hahah. But I love long bus rides.

Then reached the place, had a briefing.

Then I forgot what we did =\

I think we had breakfast.

Shit, I really cant remember!


We played icebreaker games.

Then we went to work on our cheer.

Then went for belaying school I think.

I had to do the belaying thing with Geraldine, Pristina and Hillary.

I love belaying.

It's damn fun even though it's damn tiring coz you have to support the person's body weight.

Anyway, then went for lunch.

Man, the food sucks there.


But it's camp, cant expect to have great food...

But still, they could've just ordered pizza or whatever :P

Hahah. Then after lunch, we had kayaking.

But me and 7 other people didnt go because we had .


So we just went to watch people do zipline.

Maegan was like stuck up there for like 20 minutes just squatting there.

And she volunteered to be the first =\

Anyway, then had to go for chingay -.-

It was freaking tiring! D:

Had to dance and run and all.


Then reached back camp, found out that the others all played kidnap! already D:

I was seriously damn pissed!


First they canceled the mudwalk, then we miss kidnap! ? :(

Then went to have supper.

Just drank milo. The milo is damn nice.

Then went to wash up and lights out.

Slept okay. I had a super weird dream.

But we were like woken up at 1 a.m. to do fire drill -.-

So went to assemble.

But they weren't happy with the time we took so we did it again.

Then when they were satisfied we went to sleep.


Then woke up at about 6.20.

Went to wash up.



I'm so lazy to blog already! :(

I'm gonna do a brief one.

Uhm, I forgot the order of the activities.

But we went CRC, which was freaking AWESOME.

It was damn fun.

Even though I'm scared of heights (I think), I love high places and stuff.

Hahah. So it's kinda weird.

When I went for Challenge Pole, I nearly tripped when I was right at the top.

But luckily I didnt fall.


I didnt catch the bar though :(

But oh well, the feeling of being suspended in the air is awesome.

It was totally worth it.

Then went campfire prep I think.

Fun but tiring.

Then after that went for Rockwall.

Belaying is so freaking fun.

At first I was damn scared.

The first person I belayed was Amanda, some more.


But I got the hang of it, so it was pretty damn awezum.

Then went to washup and eat, then practiced cheers.


Then it was CAMPFIRE.


It was super fun.

Especially the first part of it coz we were only hyper for the first part.


So, everything went great! :D

2.8 was damn awesome ttm!

Campfire was damn fun lah.


Last day of camp! D:

Woke up, went for breakfast.

Then assembled in the MPH.

Gave out certificates.

2.8 won 3 total, I think.

One was best camper, the whole class won can-do spirit and Rui Yi won courage I think.

Oh, and we met a dog and Desiree named him Mr. Snufflebear!

He was so CUTEEE!

Then went home :(

Waved to random people on the bus.


Reached school, had to wash shoes -.-

Then went BBT shop with a lot of people.

Then took cab home with Geraldine, Stephanie and Valerie.


I forgot what I did for the rest of the day.



I forgot what happened on Thursday =\

I know we did a math test, which was freaking hard and I swear I think I failed.

I wanna retake the test! :(

Then yeah, I forgot what we did for the rest of the day.


Had art, which sucked ttm.

Then recess, then lifeskills, watched My Fair Lady! Awesome.

Then had Dance, funnn.

But the steps are so hard :(

Then went lunch with Kit Wai, Li Yin and Jolene.

Then went for CCA.


Then went home.


Had Chingay the whole day.

Met at the playground, then went for lunch.

Then assembled in Drama room to do make up and costumes.

Then left school at 4 to the F1 pit.

Then practiced till like 11.30 :(

It was FREAKING tiring!

At Shernise wasnt well :(

Then reached back school, changed and all.

Helped Shernise to find her bag of clothes.

Then dad fetched me.

Reached home it was already like 1 something.

But I still read until like 3 =\

I didnt know it was so late coz I took my watch off for chingay.

Then I looked at me phone time, I was like SHIT.

Coz I have Church on Sunday and I wanted to be like alive when I saw him.



Went Church, saw him.

After class had mass with him.

Left the Church hall,

went downstairs, he was RIGHT in front of me.

He stopped at the door way, blocking it,

then his friend told him to move.

He looked at me, I looked at him.

Awkward silence.

I was like thinking "Omgomgomgomgomomgomgomgomgomgomg"


But on the outside,

I just looked at him, I didnt smile.

He was on the phone lah.


He was so close to meee.


Omg, sorry, I'm like, yeah.




My mum's calling me for dinner, I gtg.



When the shadows consume you

@ 2/03/2010 04:08:00 PM