This strange sensation in my heart,
What is it?
It feels like my heart is going to explode,
Like sometimes, it skips too many beats.
Why do I feel for you?
These feelings I get for you,
Why do I, in the first place?
You're an angel.
I know you are.
There's a light shining around you,
It captivates me.
It's like an aura of light,
Beams of multi-coloured rays,
Like an angel's wings,
Like an angel's halo.
It's beautiful, that aura of light you have.
It's beautiful,
So are you.
I know how you often get criticized,
How you're often taunted and scorned.
But people are judgemental.
You should ignore them,
Don't let them bring you down.
I know you're strong,
I know you're smart.
So believe in what I say
Because it's the truth,
Whether they admit it or not.
These feelings I have for you,
What are they?

@ 3/30/2010 06:38:00 PM
I'll skip to after school :)
Had to look for Mr Low to tell him something.
Then looked for him in the staffroom, he wasn't there.
Then someone, I think my drama senior, told me he's in 3.8.
So went up there with Kit Wai and Caitlin.
He was teaching and I didn't wanna disturb so I was just like waiting outside the door.
He saw me, then he smiled and continued teaching.
I was like whaaat.
Then I think he realised I needed to talk to him, so he came out.
Then I told him, and he kept on saying "what?"
He was damn blur! Hahah.
The whole of 3.8 was laughing.
Then followed Kit Wai home to get her stuff for Drama camp.
Reached school again, had lunch in school.
Saw Mr Low walking out from the canteen.
I was like "Eh, it's Elson" to Kit Wai.
Then I shouted "Elson!"
And looked away.
I dont even know why I did that! My god.
He looked back and saw me but I didn't look at him.
Then we were walking in the same direction as him (to the cafe there).
So walked behind him, then my drama instructor was eating at one of the cafe tables.
He knows Mr Low and he saw me and Kit Wai following him.
Then he was like making kissing gestures (with his HANDS) to me and pointed to Mr Low.
WTF. Gahhh.
I was like "NO! WHAAAT! OHMYGOD!"
Then Mr Low heard, and he turned around at me and smiled.
Kit was laughing her ass off -.-
I kept saying "Ohmygod" coz seriously, omg.
Then went Drama room, I was ignoring Mr Low.
Then a few minutes later, he came into the drama room.
I was like o.o''
And he asked me where Mr Dwayne (my drama instructor) was.
But I couldn't hear so I walked towards the door.
Then he asked me to come outside so I went,
Then he said "Where's Mr Dwayne?"
I said "Cafe"
Then he said "Which cafe?"
Then I pointed to it.
He was like "The same cafe I bought my coffee from?"
I was like "Uhh, yah, that's the only cafe in school"
He said "Really?"
I was like "Yeahhh"
Then he said "But I didn't see him"
I was like "He's there!"
So we walked there and I pointed to Mr Dwayne.
And Mr Dwayne, just in time, looked up and saw me with Mr Low.
And Mr Low was like "Oh there!"
And I was like "Yes, there! -.-"
Then he was like "Ohkay, thank you"
And I said "K" and walked back to drama room.
And Kit started laughing again -.-
K, I'm gonna skip a lot of stuff.
Then Drama started.
Mr Dwayne walked in and was like "Malorieee. Are you jealous that I was talking to Elson? I have his number!"
I was like "WHATTT. NO! Should be her! *points to Celeste*"
Celeste was like "What! Shuttup! No! It's her! *Points to Regine*"
Regine was like "No! It's her! *Points to Fashikah*"
Fashikah didn't do anything. Haha.
Then during Drama (Which is actually the start of the camp), we had a make-up workshop.
They taught us how to do theatrical make-up and stuff.
Then we tried it on one person in our group.
Frigging fun.
Then after that, played games.
Played captain's ball with water bombs, raw cuttlefish and a whole raw chicken.
Damn fun luh!
Damn gross but it was damn funny.
Poor chicken though.
It's head came out :\
It died for nothing.
After that had lunch.
Then I forgot what we did.
At night, watched a musical.
And when it ended, Mary Ann ran into the room and shouted that there was a murder in the school.
Waited for my group's turn to go.
While waiting, there was a LOT of screaming.
Omg, I was damn excited.
When it was our turn, we walked down the stairs.
At the second floor there, Tay Min suddenly peeked her head out from nowhere and we all started screaming.
Caitlin was effing scared and she fainted.
Seriously, it WAS that scary, okay.
At first we thought she was crying but then she really fainted.
We all panicked then I went to look for Tay Min but she disappeared.
We were like screaming for Mr Lee but he didnt hear us -.-
Then saw Akeela.
Damn, she looked freakin scary.
She had blood all over her and she just stood there.
I was like "Akeela! Caitlin fainted!"
But I think she thought I was kidding coz she was still standing there.
Then at last, Tay Min came and asked Akeela to come also.
Then we told her Caitlin fainted.
Then we went up to look for Mr Lee and he came down and stuff.
Then me and Rahima had to merge with another group coz Sajel was too scared to continue so we only had 2 members left.
But they already did the first two stations, so we had to miss that.
Anyway, so we continued the night walk, and all the seniors looked DAMN freaky.
Especially Gladys.
Iffa's character's personality was creepy.
After the walk, had to come up with a two minute skit of what we think happened to the girl who died.
I'm too lazy to say what really happened, so yeah.
Then slept.
Woke up, had to run as a club.
Ran all the way to Bedok Reservoir there.
Woah, I tell you ah.
We wake up, first thing we hear is Mr Lee shouting at us to "GO FASTER! FASTER FASTER FASTER! WHAT YOU ALL WAITING FOR?! NO WALKING!"
Then he was shouting through the loud haler right in our ears to scare us so we'd run faster.
And he was laughing.
Hahaha. Immature!
I think I lost weight coz of this camp.
K, I'll skip to the later part of the day.
To the senior's thanksgiving thing.
First, there was a powerpoint slide with all the pictures of the seniors and stuff.
At the end of that, there was a note to the seniors.
A lot of people cried, but I was holding in.
Coz of the promise I made to myself 7 years ago.
Then we went to the trophy area.
I'm not gonna say what we did, but during that time, EVERYONE cried.
Even Li Yin teared.
Which is totally shocking.
And me also.
I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I broke the promise I made to myself 7 years ago.
For seven years I kept that promise, until Saturday.
Seriously, I love my seniors ttm.
Everyone in Drama loves them.
When I heard Iffa's voice when she was making her speech, we all started crying like shit.
And Mary also.
Even those who said they won't cry, cried.
Netto was crying a LOT.
Omggg, I can't imagine drama without them.
I mean, yeah, I'm a 100% sure drama will still be fun, coz the sec 3's this year are awesome too, but it'll be different.
Then dinner.
During dinner, me, Kit, Li Yin and Jolene sat with Iffa and Akeela.
I told them about my 7 year-long promise and Iffa started crying again.
Then went for a play.
Which was boring.
But it was nice.
Then went back to school to get our stuff to go home.
Boring, boring, boring.
Homework and assessments.
I can't WAIT to go to school tomorrow.
But there's no drama! D:
No drama for the whole week coz Friday no school :(
Hopefully, the seniors come visit us.
Oh, and hopefully, there will be a seniors farewell parteh! :)
I'm quite very sure there will be.
Ok, bye.

"Gone but never will be forgotten, you'll always be remembered in our hearts. Memories stay forever"
@ 3/28/2010 04:05:00 PM
It breaks my heart.
The sound of silent screams,
Do they then make a sound?
Or is it the mind that plays tricks on us,
Forcing us to believe what our eyes see?
My mind fools my heart,
Making it believe what it wants to believe.
Using the power of emotion to make me go on,
To move on.
I always believe what I think is true,
I can't stop myself.
Which, I think, is why I feel this way all the time.
"How could an angel break my heart?"
Broken my heart,
I've fallen apart.
"I hate the stars because I look at the same ones as you do, without you"
"Loving you was my favorite mistake"
"What happens when he's your prince charming, but you're not his cinderella?"
"In my dreams you're mine forever"
Oh, so relative, it makes me wonder.
Past lives, futures,
The present seems to be the least I think about, the past the most.
I cant imagine the future,
I'm scared to.
I don't want to think of what fate has in store for me,
Weakness or faith?
Faith in what I believe in,
Faith in what God has in store for me,
Faith in myself?
Weakness in believing in fate,
Weakness in thinking there's a higher power...
"Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny."
“Fate is a misconception, it's only a cover-up for the fact you don't have control over your own life.”
Real or a wish, a belief?
Weakness or faith,
Weakness or faith...?
You broke my heart,
You don't know it, but you did, and that's what matters.
But I forgive you.
Without a second thought, without a second of doubt,
I forgive you.
Weakness or love?
I know not.
I never do.
P.S. The quote and picture from now on is going to be about how I feel/what I'm thinking.

@ 3/23/2010 04:05:00 PM
Speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That is leading me
To the place where
I find peace again
You are the strength
That keeps me walking
You are the hope
That keeps me trusting
You are the life to my soul
You are my purpose
You are everything
And how can I
Stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this
You calm the storms
You give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You still my heart
And you take my breath away
Would you take me in
Would you take me deeper now
'Cause you're all i want
You are all i need
You are everything

@ 3/22/2010 08:41:00 PM
Today is my birthday.
Officially 14, since 7.20 a.m. today.
Well, my day didn't start out that great.
I overslept and rushed like hell, BUT.
BUT BUT BUT, it was Fate I tell you,
Coz I loved my bus ride.
Reached school, Syaf was the second to say "Happy Birthday" to my face :)
First was my mum.
First through sms was Pohyi.
First through FB was Pohyi :D
Okay, bye!
P.S. This was written yesterday (22 March) but posted today (23 March)

@ 3/22/2010 07:45:00 PM
It breaks my heart.
The sound of silent screams,
Do they then make a sound?
Or is it the mind that plays tricks on us,
Forcing us to believe what our eyes see?
My mind fools my heart,
Making it believe what it wants to believe.
Using the power of emotion to make me go on,
To move on.
I always believe what I think is true,
I can't stop myself.
Which, I think, is why I feel this way all the time.
"How could an angel break my heart?"
Broken my heart,
I've fallen apart.
"I hate the stars because I look at the same ones as you do, without you"
"Loving you was my favorite mistake"
"What happens when he's your prince charming, but you're not his cinderella?"
"In my dreams you're mine forever"
Oh, so relative, it makes me wonder.
Past lives, futures,
The present seems to be the least I think about, the past the most.
I cant imagine the future,
I'm scared to.
I don't want to think of what fate has in store for me,
Weakness or faith?

@ 3/20/2010 09:24:00 PM
Today sucked.
So boring -.-
Stayed at home,
Woke up at 10ish.
Actually, I woke up at 8 but I got up at 10.
FB-ed till 1.
Didn't bathe.
Ate Japanese food!
Then did homework and studied till 6! D:
I nearly died, man.
Screw math.
Then now I'm doing nothing.
Suckish day.
Waste of time -.-
Kk, bye.

@ 3/17/2010 07:24:00 PM
I'm blogging for nothing right now.
Coz my day hasn't even started yet.
You know, how can you look at pictures like these and not believe in magic?

Note, the pictures were totally unedited.
Sometimes, I really wonder if...
Wait, nevermind.
Btw, you can click the pictures to see the full sized image (:
I already gave you 2 pictures, but here's another one (:

@ 3/17/2010 12:30:00 PM
I am so heartbroken right now.
And I'm not even being dramatic.
I'm not exaggerating.
My heart. Is broken.
It feels broken.
It feels like its torn apart.
Gah, shit.
What the hell is my problem.
I think I'm going crazy.
I'm going crazy coz I miss you so much, so get outta my head okay?
Like, please?!
Ohhh shittt.
I am in deep trouble.
Well, not exactly, but I'm so pissed with myself.
Bloody hell! D:
Kk, I'll stop ranting and leaving you wondering what happened to me.
I'll blog about my day.
But I'm too lazy -.-
I'm not in a blogging mood.
Maybe I'll keep ranting to myself.
So you dont have to read this anymore! (:
Kk, now for talking to myself.
I'm pretty sure some people are still reading this.
I dont know why you are, but okay.
Read if you want.
Just dont ask me what happened coz I REALLY dont wanna talk about it.
So, I'm pissed with myself.
Because of what I didn't do,
Not because of what I did.
Oh well, I'm feeling kinda better now.
Hahah. Swearing helps :P
Kk, byeee!

@ 3/16/2010 06:06:00 PM
I'm too lazy to blog.
Kk, bye.
I dont want this post to end so quickly.
Ok, I'm done. Bye.
Wait, you know right, I got nothing to say.

@ 3/15/2010 05:09:00 PM
Today was quite okay (:
Art, for once this year, was actually FUN.
Coz Ms Chia only spoke like once.
So awesome! (:
Lifeskills, we watched Romeo and Juliet!
The movie so weird!
But quite very nice.
And funny.
Romeo was like non-stop kissing Juliet.
HAHAH. He couldn't get enough of her ;)
Hahahah. Damn eew.
But so sweet♥
Anyway, then had dance.
Then went lunch with Kit, Li Yin and Jolene.
Then Drama.
Me, Li Yin, Lee Yan, Sajel, Amirah, Chelsea, Danielle, Ravina and Kassandra were called out.
Coz we were chosen for the new Drama "class com".
Idk what it's called.
Me, Li Yin and Lee Yan were chosen for the Sec 2 rep.
So we had to be interviewed to see who gets the spot :)
Luckily we spent the whole Drama lingering outside, waiting for our turn.
Coz today, Mr Trey took over.
So, luckily luh, hahah.
He's okay lah, but not really fun :\
Mr Dwayne has "more life".
So he's more fun.
The interview was quite okay.
I dont mind if I dont get the spot, actually.
Hahah. I dont even know who voted for me, except 3 people. Or 4.
But the rest, idk.
Anyway, then went home.
Kk, bye!

^ One of my favourite quotes ^
@ 3/12/2010 07:26:00 PM
So on the bus on the way to school,
I saw the effing bitch.
But then I saw the person who makes me feel good about myself.
I'm too lazy to blog about my day.
Omg, I'm obsessed with gLee!
Especially the songs!
So A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
I wish Drama was like gLee club!
HAHAHA. It'll be really cool.
And funnn!
More fun than it is now!
Wishes that'll never come true.
I keep thinking about them.
I wont stop believing coz Journey told me so :)
Hahah. I wonder who came up with that.
I feel like I'm talking to myself coz I dont think people who're reading this understands this post :\
Sorry guys.
I feel like I'm ranting now.
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship, has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winters night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
And I cant fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
Its time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars
Baby, I cant fight this feeling anymore
My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
Cause you take me to the places that alone Id never find
And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winters night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
And I cant fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
Its time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
Cause I cant fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Baby, I cant fight this feeling anymore.
Lovelovelove that song coz of gLee.
No wait, I only like the gLee version of it.
You know, I dont even know why you people are reading this!
Hahah, seriously!
Kk, I wont bore you anymore.

@ 3/11/2010 05:28:00 PM
Today was good (:
I think my life has become a tiny bit ore interesting compared to previously.
Which is a good thing.
Even though it's more complicated, it's a good thing.
Coz the complications keep me thinking,
Which equals to less boredom.
Okay, anyway.
Had school,
Malay was boring,
VE was okay,
Then English had graded assignment!
So hard! :(
After English, we were talking to Mr Low outside the class.
He was talking to Adlin and Geraldine.
Then I was like looking at his eyes, and realised he was wearing contacts.
Then I told Shernise.
And we both like looked closely at his eyes,
And came down and she was like "Oh yeah!"
And I was like "He is right?"
Then Mr Low was like "What what?!"
HAHAH. Damn funny.
Anyway, then went to take the lock, recess, whatever.
Then Math.
Then DRAMA! :D
Then school over, did so many stuff!
Then decided to go Christine's house.
Went there, bought food, saw Celine.
Then looked for chalets, did our homework, played slapping games XD
Then went home.
Idk why, but today was a good day :)
It just feels good.
Okay, bye!
P.S. I came across this quote which really means a lot to me : Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.
@ 3/10/2010 08:07:00 PM
Today was quite awesome (:
Had P.E., tiring but fun!
Then Science.
Nothing much, as usual.
Then recess!
Ate, talked, whatever.
Then History.
Got back CT paper.
Like my marks :)
I was seriously seriously in a panic-attack when he said 3 people failed
Coz I thought I answered the question wrongly.
Then English.
Mr Low's voice so weird :P
Quite okay luh, his lesson.
Then school end.
Went to eat lunch with Kit Wai, Jolene, Li Yin and Dhanusha! :D
Then Drama, ohmygosh, so funnn.
Drama is like the only thing that I look forward to on Monday.
Seriously, I love my cca; so awezum.
Inside joke ^^
Drama is the lovenessest :P
Kk, bye!
Just when I thought everything was going okay, you came into my life again.
@ 3/08/2010 07:22:00 PM
Dont judge me based on what I believe in.
Dont question my beliefs;
Respect them because I believe in them.
It's my life, my mind, my heart, my soul.
Let me believe what I want.
You dont have to believe them.
All I'm asking is for you to respect them.
I really hate it when people question them.
So don't.
You're the only one that keeps me going;
You give me hope.
You're the reason why I wake up everyday,
Why I bother to do anything.
Why I care enough to go to school so I'll live a better life next time.
Maybe it's wrong,
But I dont care.
You keep me going.
They say, keep holding on.
They say, heartache heals in time.
They say, karma comes around.
Because of you, I believe what they say.
Whoever they were, they were right.
I'm gonna keep holding on,
I'm gonna believe that my heartache is gonna heal.
I'm gonna believe that karma comes around.
But only because youre a part of my life.
Only because of you, I'll continue living and breathing,
Only because of you, there's gonna be a motive for my every action.
I'm gonna try not to do things imma regret.
So that I won't have to repent,
Repent for what I've done...
You keep me wishing upon a star,
You keep me believing.
You're the one who inspires me,
You're the one I turn to everytime.
If it weren't for you, I'd be so lonely,
So alone,
In this world.
This world full of the heartless people.
And the evil.
And the thing is,
You dont even know how special you are to me.
I just wanna say thank you for all you've done for me.
Even though you dont know what exactly you have done.
Do you?
I'm not sure, but I'm assuming.
Even though you're not around all the time (I think),
I always feel you with me.
You're always in my heart, and I swear I'll keep you in it forever.
And I don't take swears lightly,
So I hope you'll believe me.
Believe that you're always gonna be a part of my life and I'll never forget you.
Even though you sometimes feel like a dream,
I'm always happy when I realise you're reality.
Because without you, this life would suck big time, trust me.
So I just wanna thank you, and remind you that I love you.
You think you're so special but you're not.
You think you're so popular, but you're not.
You think everyone loves you, but not everyone does.
You think you have so many friends, but so many of them are fake.
You think you're so funny, but you're not.
You're so annoying, I really can't stand you anymore.
You're always so proud and arrogant.
You're a hypocrite.
You're pretending to be someone you're not.
Dont think I dont know.
Everyone does, it's not just me.
I pity you sometimes, which is why I'm still your friend.
But trust me, I'm on the brink of breaking up with you as a friend.
"I dont need you to be a part of my life, but I think you need me."
Is that really what you think about me?
The things I do for people.
The things I did for you.
You dont appreciate them.
You take me for granted.
But I'm not gonna do anything to you.
I'll let you do whatever you want with me.
If you see this as being weak, you're wrong.
I wont tell you why, but you are.
Anyway, I just wish you knew the truth.
So many people are sick of your attitude.
I wish you'd change so I can enjoy being your friend.
Right now, I hate every moment I spend with you.
Your closest friends are starting to think poorly of you because of the change in your attitude.
You have a serious problem.
You're always contradicting yourself now.
And you told me you hate liars, you hate people who make up stuff.
But I'm starting to think you yourself are making stuff up.
A lot of people are suspecting it, and I'm trying to convince them it's not true
but I, myself, am starting to wonder.
I dont know how long more I can stand you, so you better change.
If not, you're gonna lose all your friends, including me.
You're really starting to become a bitch.
I'm sorry, but I had to say it.
I just cant stand your nonchalant-ness and you pride anymore.
You're really annoying me.
And I dont get why you have to criticise my friends as well.
Insult me all you like.
But dont insult your other friends.
I'm not even your best friend.
It's obvious that even your best friend is starting to get upset with you.
I pray that you'll realise that and change.
Coz right now, you're changing for the worst.
And everyone sees that change in you, except youself.
So please, just realise it and change.
Coz I dont want to lose you,
But right now, you're not giving me a choice.
If you're gonna get worse, dont blame me for leaving.
I'm sick of keeping up with this false pretense so dont blame me for not having faith in you anymore.
I like the girl you used to be,
Not the girl you are now.
What happened to you?
I wonder if you even know I'm talking about you.
I'm not saying anything bad about you.
I'm just saying that you have to change if you want to keep your friends.
A lot of them are ready to leave.
If just one of them snaps, the rest of us will, too
And we will all leave you alone because of who you have grown to become.
You think you're popular because you have a lot of friends.
But your closest friends now know the truth about you.
And they don't really like you anymore.
But your acquaintances dont know you, like your closest friends do so you can seek solace in them,
but after a while, they will become your new closest friends, and they too will see the true person you are.
Don't you see?
You'll end up losing all your friends.
And even if you make new ones, they'll soon see you for who you are and leave you.
The only way for you to be popular, if that's what you wanna be, is to be a better person and stop using your friends.
Stop taking advantage of them.
I'm trying to help you because I remember then good times we used to spend together.
The times when you weren't the person you are now.
So please, change.
Change for the better.
Stop using your friends.
Stop making that fucking annoying smug face of yours. The one that you make when people are wrong and you're right.
Stop being so proud and arrogant.
Stop stealing people away from their best friends.
Stop being such a protagonist.
Oh yeah, your temper is a problem, too.
Stop becoming pissed so easily because this is one thing people cant stand about you the most.
Stop thinking you're so special.
Stop thinking you always come first.
Stop thinking you're so good at everything.
Stop thinking that everyone in the world loves you.
Stop thinking that you can trust everyone because there are a lot of backstabbers in this world.
There aren't many people that are worthy of one's trust.
Seriously. I know. Well, maybe I just have trust issues, but that's just what I think.
But really, you shouldn't trust ALL your friends, unless your definition of a friend is someone whom you can trust.
So, I really hope you change because
I like the person you used to be.
I like the person you can still be.
I like the person you are, beneath the darkness in you.
P.S. Dont ask because I wont answer.
@ 3/07/2010 06:59:00 PM
Kk, I'll blog frommm Friday :)
Had hhp.
Sucks! ):
Than art.
Bell rang, then Ms Chia came to our class like 1 min after it rang.
Nagged again -.-
The bell just rang and she expects us to be up there already?
Sigh. Nevermind her.
So, art was fun.
BUT only during Mr Faisal's period -.-
The rest of Art sucked as usual.
She was nagging even more today than usual! D:
Freakkk, I hate art.
Gahr. She released us 20 mins late for recess.
But Mrs Lopez extended our recess for us! :D
She's so nice and kinddd. Unlike...
Then had lifeskills.
Complained to Mrs Lopez about Ms Chia.
Then dance assessment!
Practiced practiced practiced.
Then watched the other groups perform.
Ours was after school coz no time.
But Stephanie crid coz she was nervous :(
But she was damn good!
Way better than me. I screwed up.
Hahahah. She didnt forget her steps at all!
Then had Drama.
Mr Trey took over.
Went to Laselle today!
To watch Twelfth Night by Shakespeaere!
The play was good.
I didnt understand some parts coz it was Shakespearean language but I got the plot.
Oh, and I dont know why Mr Low came along.
Maybe coz he's an English teacher but I thought it'd make more sense if Mr Lee came.
Since he's a drama teacher.
As in, in charge of Drama.
All the drama teachers came.
And ms chia also -.-
Hahah. But at least she didn't nag :)
She gave 2.7 chocolates.
I think she can be nice, but I think she just loses her temper easily.
There's a reason for everything.
So there must be a reason for why Ms Chia is like that :/
Anyway, after the play, went to Iluma with Kit Wai, Andrea, Rene, Jayne Yunki and Lauren.
But Rene left really really early.
Then walked around, then decided to go to another Bugis Junction.
So went, walked around.
Bought stuff to eat.
It was like 6+ already.
Then went Suntec to have dinner.
Took MRT. It was freaking crowded.
Kept leaning on some guy. Hahahaha.
I think he was pissed.
But not my problem what.
People in front were leaning on me -.-
Then reached Suntec, looked for a place to eat.
Decided to eat at Pepper Lunch!
It'sn been forever since I've eaten there.
So a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!
Had beef pepper lunch as usual :P
Then decided to go for ice cream!
So walked around.
Wanted to but Swensenes, but too expensive.
Then just bought double chocolate frappe from Macs.
Then went to the koi pond awhile.
Oh, and it was way past curfew.
I told my mum I'd be home before 8 but it was already like 9.
So I texted my mum, telling her I'd be late.
And she didn't mind at all! (Y)(Y)
I love my mum. Hahahah.
She was like "It's okay. You need pickup?"
I was like HENG. But decided not to trouble her, so I took MRT back to TM then took bus 3 home.
Yeap :D
Saturday was awezum.
Today was not so awesome.
Dont wanna talk about it.
So, byeee!
@ 3/07/2010 05:28:00 PM
Today was awesome :)
I was so excited to go to school so I actually woke up at 5 a.m. by myself.
But that was way too early so I just got up and read.
Then at 6, I went to bathe and all.
Then during P.E., played netball.
My group lost one round, won one round.
Then had science, got back common test paper.
Happy with my results :)
Then Mr Faisal lent us laptop to do our research.
And Annabelle plugged it in, but the socket kinda exploded.
It was like "BOOM" and there were sparks flying out.
Hahaha. She got a shock, man.
Then recess.
Then History.
Didn't get back common test paper but he went through corrections.
Then English.
The new teacher is the quite hot one :P
I knew it was gonna be him.
Got back our essay results.
Hate my results! :(
But okay luh, I didn't fail.
But still :(
Then school ended, went for lunch with Kit Wai and some other people.
Then drama, some stuff happened but it all worked out in the end, so I'm glad.
Thanks Celeste :)
Drama was okay, but not as fun as the other sessions.
But it was still A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Then drama ended, wanted to go BBTS but too lazy and had homework, so just went home.
Took the loooong way home coz I wanted to think about some stuff.
Reached home, and whatever.
Kk, bye.
@ 3/01/2010 07:59:00 PM