Today was so freaking awesome! :D
Okay, first.
Nearly late for school.
Over-slept coz I woke up in the middle of the night coz of a dream,
And I had blocked nose so couldn't sleep properly.
Anyway, so reached school, went for mass with Germaine, Rebecca and Amanda :)
Boring, but since when is mass actually fun?
But still, I like going for mass.
Then, went for Math.
Had the test,
Imma fail!
But I don't care, coz like I said, I'm giving up on math anyway (Y)
Then English! :)
English was fineee.
Not bad at all ;)
Then recess.
Went to look for Mr Low coz he forgot to sign the class diary
But he went into the toilet so I was like forget it.
Then recess, didn't see him. Hahaha.
Then Drama.
Played games :)
Then after that, saw Mr Low so asked him to sign the diary.
Then Literature.
Quite okay.
We just copied the answers. Haha.
Wasn't that boring, idk why.
Then decided to go prata shop for lunch.
I just bought a Kit Kat and milo.
Then went back to school to study.
Can't believe I actually nearly finished that whole math paper.
So proud of myself.
I didn't think I'd actually study, coz well, it was the library.
But he wasn't there, so maybe that's why I could actually concentrate.
But whatever, I studied the whole time (Y)(Y)
Then library was closing so me and Shernise wanted to go class room to study some more.
Then walked pass the staff room, and Mr Low came out.
Perfect timing, as usual -.-
Talked to him awhile, passed him my summary.
Oh, Shernise drew a rainbow on my summary.
Then Mr Low was like "Woah, but no extra marks ah." something lyddat.
Then just nice, I dropped my think hard-cover book and my files.
Then he was like "Okay, okay, okay. Got extra mark for you!"
Then Shernise was like "Yeah, you see! She angry already! Must give me extra marks also coz I drew the rainbow!"
Then he just shook his head.
Then three students came and started talking to him, so Shernise and I left.
We wanted to study in 2.5 but we were like "Nah".
Then we went to 4th floor, outside music room.
Coz we wanted to see what was at the 5th floor.
But well, it wasn't that scary.
Then we started exploring.
We kept hearing creepy noises! D:
Then we saw the black toilet.
It's white now!
Hahahaha! Who knew?!
We were damn creeped out when we first saw it.
But we saw the nice aunty and she sorta kept us company.
She told us ghost stories!
About schools.
But I shall not say them here :)
Argh, it was freaking creepy! Hahah.
Then went to the hall to help the aunty stack the chairs and all.
Saw Mr Low's car.
Thought he left already, but nope.
Oh damn, I just suddenly remembered tomorrow's his last lesson with us.
Oh well.
I just hope we don't get some crappy teacher, like Shernise said.
Anyway, then we were exploring all the haunted places,
Like the toilet, and others.
And something was following us! D:
We were in the lift, and it was closing.
Effing scary.
We ran out and ran all the way down! HAHAHA.
Then we were too scared to go home coz we didn't want it to follow us home.
Saw Mr Low again! Walao. Saw him so many times today.
He was waiting for that female teacher's whoever to pick her up.
Then he went back into the school again.
We also went back coz we wanted to look for the aunty for help.
Then we told him about the thing, but he just laughed and walked off.
Like all adults do when you tell them about ghosts.
Then he went into his car and drove off,
But he parked and I thought he asked me and Shernise to go to him,
But nope, we didn't.
Apparently, he was waiting for Ms Yu coz he was sending her home.
We talked to the aunty about the thing, and she pushed us to go home. Haha.
So went home.
Well, one freaky thing happened, but I'm just gonna ignore it. Okay.
Haha. Better to pretend nothing happened and hope it doesn't happen again :)
Imma cherish every moment of tomorrow.
It's gonna be a great day, no matter how sad it is.
I don't care.
Okay, bye! :)

@ 4/26/2010 08:47:00 PM
I know I haven't blogged in a super long time.
But it's coz my brother is always bringing my laptop with him and all.
And I'm too lazy to blog through iTouch.
Well, had 2.4 on Friday.
Could've sprinted the whole way coz of my motivation ;)
But I was encouraging and pushing Shernise.
I'm in s-e-r-i-o-u-s trouble if I don't get over him soon,
Well, it's private,
So I shall not mention it here.
Okay, imma go now.

@ 4/25/2010 05:14:00 PM
I hate you.
You messed up everything.
I used to be controlled,
I used to know myself.
But then you came.
And then, everything just...
Everything I thought I believed in,
Everything I thought I knew,
Those things,
They just crumbled.
They were decimated.
But I love you.
My unrequited love for you,
Will always remain that way, I know.
But there's always a shred of hope.
Hope that I can't kill.
Even though it's not good to believe in the impossible,
I do.
Even though I shouldn't be loving you,
I do.
Even though I know we can never be,
I love you.
And I know I shouldn't, but my heart has been touched already.
Falling out of love,
It's a hard thing to do.
Harder, even, for me.
I hate you.
But I love you.
You confused me,
But with you, I see clearly.
You messed me up,
But with you, I know just what I want.
And even though I know I shouldn't love you,
I do.
Words unspoken as we gaze,
Gaze into eyes.
Words unspoken,
Words not needed.
Things I wish for,
Things that'll never be.
I dream of the way it could be,
Of the way I wish it would be,
Of the way things'll never be,
Never could be.
I love you.

@ 4/15/2010 06:26:00 PM
Read the title.
It's true.
It relates to my life right now.
I'm gonna state the similarities between E.L. and E.C.,
And the similarities between M.O. and B.S. (those I can think of)
E.L. and E.C.
They're both pale.
They're both FREAKING hot.
They're both weird.
They both prefer to be alone.
They both have noticeable cars.
They both dress well (Assuming that E.C. dresses well)
They both are pretty short-tempered (Not sure if E.L. does, but he looks like the kind of person who is)
They both think they're superior (A.K.A. arrogant-ish)
They both have that "mysterious" look (Idk why, but E.L. does to me)
They both like old-fashioned things.
They both fascinate me.
M.O. and B.S.
Both met their loves/crushes in the canteen.
Both are always in the middle of fights.
Both hate to be the center of attention.
Both hate making their parents feel worried.
Both fell for the wrong person. Heck, E.C. isn't even a PERSON.
Both their loves/crushes are too old for them.
Both go to school for their loves/crushes.
Both did NOT expect to get a crush/love.
Both have dreams about their crush/love.
Both wish their crushes/loves weren't so hot.
Xtine, tell me more :) This is all I could think of.
This was for no apparent reason.
I'm bored and I already finished all my homework, so.
Okay, bye.

@ 4/13/2010 05:31:00 PM
I found out something really weird yesterday.
But, wait first. Lemme tell you bout my day (yesterday).
So, had school.
Math was boring, but it was okay.
English was good~
Recess was okay.
Drama was fine.
Lit was quite boring, but it was okay.
Then after school, had a kind of heart-to-heart talk with Shernise! ^^
Then went for lunch with Drama peeps.
Then came back to school, went to change.
Then went to take attendance register and I was hoping so badly to see him, but I didnt.
Oh, but Mrs Tam wasn't in the staff room so we went down first.
Then after a while, Danielle came into the room.
Then she told us that Mrs Tam asked her to tell us to take the attendance register from Mr Lee.
So we went up.
Then while walking, Kit was like "Mal, there's a 20% chance you'll see him."
I was like "No lah. More like 5%. I think he already left the school."
Then she was like "No, I think it's a higher percentage you'll see him."
I was like "Ohmygod!"
Then he turned around and looked at me,
And I was like hyperventilating but I was looking away from him.
And when he rounded the corner, he was like fiddling with his car keys, turning it around in his hand,
And he waved at me without looking at me.
Omg, I nearly screamed.
Hahahah, I was freaking HAPPY, I tell you.
Then when he went down the stairs, I literally jumped.
Omg, so embarrassing.
I dont even know why I did that!
Ahhhhh, then my friends started laughing and they were like "MAL! You like ..."
Well, they said his name, but I'm not gonna say it here.
And I was like "I didnt even know I liked him until a few days ago. When I started dreaming about him and all."
Coz then people will think that I'm just another lovestruck girl.
But I'm not just ANOTHER one of them.
Coz most of them (like 99%) are like, they dont mind liking him.
But I DO.
I dont want to like him coz it's driving me crazy and
I dont want to be seen as another E.L. obsessed person. Ugh.
Well, I am lovestruck by him.
Then went downstairs, saw him drive past in his car!
Hahah. I know his license plate numberrr!
I was thinking about him throughout the whole drama.
And I was so out of focus.
Luckily drama yesterday was quite slack (since Mr Dwayne didnt come)
Then, this is when I found out the interesting thing.
Kit Wai was talking to me.
She said "I thought you go for a guy's personality, huh?"
Then I was like "I do! But then he comes and... I dont know what happened."
Then Kit was like "Hey, you're just like Bella! You know how she's so controlled and calm and all, and hot guy Edward Cullen comes around and BAM. You know?"
And I was like "...... Oh yeahhh...."
And you know how Christine is always saying how I'm a lot like Bella?
Even though I dont know how we are alike, Christine thinks we are.
Omg, it's freaking me out now.
Hahaha. I mean, yeah, it's probably nothing.
Probably some coincidence or something.
But it's still freaky!
And HE is so much like Edward Cullen also!
Well, to me :)
I think the whole 2.8 doesn't like him now.
Coz he scolded us today.
But I mean, he's sick.
And what he said was true.
Damn, I feel like a traitor now :(
But, okay.
I think he is right.
I don't usually take sides, I know. But.
Sigh. Bella and Edward. Their lives had a happy ending.
But that's coz it was a book.
A freaking BOOK.
But my life isn't a BOOK.
It's reality.
And reality sucks.
Okay, bye.

@ 4/13/2010 04:59:00 PM
Uhm, I'm kinda confused right now.
About my feelings.
Damn, this is awkward.
Oh, forget it.
I'm lazy to blog now.
But today was awesome, even though I was damn tired.
Oh, I can't post a picture coz I'm not using my com, so.
Ok, bye.
@ 4/10/2010 08:41:00 PM
Even if your looking at me doesn't mean anything.

@ 4/06/2010 08:04:00 PM
For this post,
Imma express everything through pictures.
Everything I feel,
Is gonna be in pictures.
Maybe some words for description.
So I have a lot of uploading to do.

Our love could never be. It'd just be wasted, thrown away. Disposed of to rot.

I'm always thinking about you. You're always on my mind. I wish I was on your mind. I wish I was in your thoughts. But I'm not.

I want you to come save me. Save me from this storm.

Love is the sweetest thing. But sometimes...

It just doesn't seem... Real.

But I don't think people see the sign. My heart's always broken.

Love or lust?

Even if I'm not so sure myself.

Those were the days.

I wish you would dance with me, like we do in that other, better world.

From all these troubles, from all this pain and confusion.

Sometimes, the world just passes by in a blur.

You've got me on the tips of my toes.

Love is beautiful. Like a rainbow :D Both are colourful.

All our memories kept in that locket.

Happy endings only ever happen in fairy tales, darling.

Wish you knew.

Yeah, sometimes it's my motto: Smile through the pain. It's easier than having to explain yourself.

That's what our minds say.

Hell yeah you are.

But I already am, aren't I?

Like the ones I had of you. The good ones. They should be forgotten.

Your love, it's like a drug.
That's all for today (:
Before I run out of pictures.
Kk, bye.
@ 4/06/2010 06:54:00 PM
I have of you;
They seem so real,
Too real.
But they'll never be anything more than a dream.
Dreams and reality should never be mixed up, I know.
But I can't help it.
It's just the way I am.
A dreamer,
A girl who will never be able to see her dreams,
And wishes,
Come true.
So I dream of the way it could be,
Of the way I wish it would be.
Of the way I wish you were actually in my life,
Like the way you are in my dreams.
Like the way we are together in my dreams.
But it could not be.
It could never be.
And I spend my time,
About you;
Wondering if you ever gave me a thought,
Wondering if you ever missed me,
Wondering if you know how I feel,
Wondering if it amuses you because of the expression you wear on your face.
That same, amused expression which drives me insane,
Because I never know what it is that amuses you,
But still, you wear that expression.
Can't you just tell me why?
But of course you wouldn't.
To you, I'm just another girl, aren't I?
Just another girl in your life.
I dream of the way it could be,
Of the way I wish it would be.
Of the way it could not be,
Never could be.

@ 4/01/2010 06:21:00 PM
Today sucked, yesterday sucked, Monday was awesome.
Hahah. Too lazy to blog.

@ 4/01/2010 06:16:00 PM