I wished for the next day (today) to be the best day of my life.
And today was definitely one of the best.
I never really believed in 11.11 wishes coz they never came true...
Maybe it's coz I'm wishing for impossible stuff, but yeah.
Wishes really do come true.

I'll forever wish at 11.11 whenever I catch it.

I'll never forget how you make me feel. Even if I stop loving you, I'll never ever forget how fucking happy you make me and how you make my knees weak and my heart beat so hard it hurts. Even if I try to forget, I know I won't be able to. You just simply take my breath away, and that is very hard to forget.
@ 8/31/2010 06:37:00 PM


Freaking hell.

@ 8/30/2010 07:13:00 PM

Yes, you can actually (:
BUT FUCK, he might not be the same as he is in your dreams.
He might be a totally different guy.
But you'll never know, it might all just be a facade.

Why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you why you.

Do you know why I'm losing my fucking mind?
Let me tell you.
You know which one?
Of course you do, because you always start it first.
It's the one where you see me, then you walk so slowly towards me.
Then you just stand there and do something.
Like, use your phone, check the time, look around.
Then you'll know that I'm looking at you.
Because you know that I'm looking at you and you probably know what's going on in my head.
I don't think anyone will understand this except us,
But whatever.
I love this game but I hate it as well.
I mean, seriously!
Are you trying to drive me insane?!

This is how pathetic you make me feel.

@ 8/28/2010 02:34:00 PM

You have no idea how fucking terrified I am.
You're one of the people who gives my life it's meaning.
And to make me let go of you,
Do you know how crazy that is?
It's like making me let go of life itself.
But I'm going to have to let go of you one day.
Maybe when I'm not so scared anymore.
Maybe one day, when I'm grown up,
When I'm not naive and foolish, when I don't have a little girl's heart anymore.
When I stop believing in happily ever afters and white horse princes.
Maybe then, I'll be able to let go.
But until then, I'll keep on loving you.
@ 8/28/2010 02:10:00 PM
Dear you,
Yeah, it's you again.
The letters I write to you are always long.
I'll try to keep this one short.
Kay, here goes.
It used to be just the two of us.
You know? We were happy, we were laughing and I loved you so much.
Muchmuch more than I love you now.
But then, that day came.
And then everyone came along.
Everyone started falling in love and you stated noticing people.
(Call me selfish, but some of them I wish you had never met).
Did you forget the times we spent together?
Of course you did.
You never even knew.
But I remember.
I knew.
I still know.
Every time I look at you, I remember those times.
And I fall in love with you all over again.
And that is why I don't think I'll ever fall out of love with you.
I fell too hard.
And maybe, just maybe, too far.
And it absolutely kills me to know that you'll never love me.
After all those times, I think any girl would believe that this really is love.
But what kind of love is one-sided?
And what kind of love is this? When reality gets in the way?
Shouldn't love be able to overcome anything?
It should be stronger than reality.
So if this was love, surely we'd find a way.
But we can't, can we?
Aside from reality getting in the way,
You don't even feel the same for me anyway.
You stole my heart and you won't return it,
But you still have your own heart in check.
You're not gonna let your heart feel foolish things.
Maybe you're strong, but it could be that you're just..
Not the guy I thought you were.
If you're wondering how this relates to the title of this letter,
Yes, I miss you physically,
But mostly, I miss the person you used to be.
The one I knew so well.
The one I was so happy with,
The one who made me feel as though I knew who I actually was.
The one I loved.
I don't even know if I love you anymore.
Maybe it's the memories that are making me hold on to you.
I think maybe, some part of me believes that you are in fact the person I thought I knew.
Could it all just be a facade?
Or is it really just me?
I'm so confused and I don't know what to do.
Everyone tells me that this is wrong.
But tell me, how can it be wrong if it feels so fucking right?
I hate this so, so much.
Why you of all people?
Why. You.
I hate my heart.
Always loving the wrong people.
And you're the worst of all.
Everything about you is so wrong but everything's also so right, if you look at it from another angle.
Fuck this shit, man.
I hate love.
Now I'm crying.
Everything about this is so messed up.
Maybe I should just move away.
Leave you behind, never speak of you ever again,
Delete everything that reminds me of you...
But how am I supposed to do that,
When every. single. freaking. thing I see reminds me of you after a while?
Why'd you have to make this so hard for me?
Oh, great.
Now I'm blaming you when you didn't do a single thing.
It's all my fault.
I wish someone knew how I'm feeling inside.
If I told you, oh, God.
I don't even want to think about how you'd react.
You'd probably get so freaked out or something.
I hate this.
I hate not being able to confide in you.
I've already told the people I trust, but I know they can't help me through this as well.
No one can save me from this freaking situation.
I'm sorry for blaming you,
I'm sorry for freaking you out,
I'm sorry for being there,
I'm sorry for being happy with you,
I'm sorry I ever dreamt about you,
I'm sorry that you had to meet me,
I'm sorry that you had to see my face,
I'm sorry I love(d) you.
Trust me, if I could stop loving you, I would.
But I can't.
I'm doing all I can.
I'm not admitting it and I'm trying to avoid you.
But my heart just takes control of me.
So this is really stupid and I'm so screwed up.

I don't know anymore.

@ 8/24/2010 07:18:00 PM
This one's boring ):
I don't wanna do this one!
I shall skip? :)
Heh, sorry!

@ 8/24/2010 07:17:00 PM
I don't have anyone I wish would forgive me..
I'm not fighting with anyone right now.
Hmm, okay.
So I guess I'll skip this day.

Credits to Xtine, she took and edited this picture :)
@ 8/24/2010 06:58:00 PM

In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams.
In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life.
That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams.
He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.
The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams.
Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams.
All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.
From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world:
Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moskow etc.
At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man.
Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams.
Holy. Fuck.
@ 8/20/2010 07:47:00 PM
You know who you are.

This is exactly how I feel.
@ 8/19/2010 06:09:00 PM
Day 2 – Do you believe in an afterlife? What do you believe happens when you die?
Day 3 – Are you proud to be from whatever country you are from?
Day 4 – What is your view on gay marriage?
Day 5 – Do you think sex before marriage is okay?
Day 6 – What are your views on love? Do you think it’s real? Do you think we only experience one love per lifetime? Does everyone have a soul mate?
Day 7 – Do you want to get married and/or have kids?
Day 8 – Do you think any drugs should be legalized? Do you think there should be an age for drinking?
Day 9 – Pro-life or prochoice?
Day 10 – What do you think about straightxedge?
Day 11 – What do you think about prostitution? Should it be legal?
Day 12 – What do you think about bisexuality?
Day 13 – Do you think there should be an age to get tattoos/piercings without the consent of a parent?
Day 14 – Do you believe in aliens?
Day 15 – Do you believe in regrets? do you have any terrible ones?
Day 16 – What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
Day 17 – Have you experienced your ‘first true love’ yet? Do you believe you ever will?
Day 18 – What is your take on people who self harm (cutting, burning, scratching etc etc.)
Day 19 – Do you think high schools should give out free contraceptive?
Day 20 – What do you think about plastic surgery?
Day 21 – What do you think about the death penalty?
Day 22 – Do you say your country’s national anthem/pledge of allegiance when it is said/listened to?
I shall do this one after my letter-writing challenge! (:

@ 8/19/2010 06:05:00 PM
Hmm, actually, I don't think I have any deceased person I wish I could talk to.
But, if I had to choose someone, I'd pick my grandma Rosie.
Dear Grandma Rosie,
Although I have met you before, well, I was like two.
I can't remember you from back then.
I wish I knew the person I was named after.
From what I've heard, you were awesome.
I just wish I knew you personally, like today. (:
I hope you're at peace now.

I've always thought this.
@ 8/19/2010 04:52:00 PM
Dear you,
I wish we talked more.
It hurts thinking about how I used to see you every single day.
You were my motivation for waking up early,
To go to that place.
You've always been my motivation.
It was because of you, that I started my days eagerly.
Very, very eagerly.
So eagerly, my parents suspected something was up.
Then I'd see you,
And we'd actually talk and I can't even describe how it feels.
Oh God.
Sometimes, I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world coz I got to meet you.
But, well, that's just me being foolish and naive.
I'm probably the most stupidest girl in the world for thinking that I'm the luckiest,
JUST because I got to meet such a person like you.
But seriously, you have absolutely no idea how you make me feel inside.
It's like everything's jelly-ish in me.
You make me feel so high and well, alive.
But now we hardly talk.
I don't smile at you anymore because of that damned promise I made.
I don't wave or talk to you.
I still stare, I can't help it.
But now when I get caught staring, I just look away.
Normally I would have started laughing or I would have smiled back.
But now I have to pretend that I don't feel anything,
And I have to hold back every single cell in me,
All of them wanting to break free and be, themselves.
Express everything.
Show how they feel;
How I feel.
But I don't let them.
Do you have any idea how hard that is?
It's like locking up everything I'm SUPPOSED to be.
It's really hard.
And I wish I could talk to you more.
But you've changed.
And I made new promises.
So it's gonna be hard.
Really, really hard.

Funny how I was just thinking about this the other day.
And it hurt just thinking about it.
Damn, I'm weak.
So bloody weak.

I bet you could kill me.
@ 8/17/2010 07:25:00 PM
Dear Taylor Momsen,
I reallyreallyreally wanna meet you!
And you seem so nice!
You're really cool.
And you're one of my heroes :)
I mean, come on.
You're a rockstar, with awesome music, may I add.
And you're actually nice from the interviews I've seen.
And you're hot.
You can act too.
You're simply amazing.
I really look up to you!
And I love your hair. Haha.
So long and nice.
I'm extremely jealous of you.
In a good way.
... If anyone gets that.
Oh, and I love your band.
The musicvideos are cool and I LOVE your voice.
Okay. So yes, I wish I meet you one day.
See you around. Sometime. Hopefully.

@ 8/17/2010 07:00:00 PM
But I don't have a favourite internet friend!
Ermmm, okay. I'll just write to this girl I met online.
Dear Saffron,
Hi! :)
When you accidentally added me coz you thought I was some girl in your school,
I had no idea what you looked like.
And that was in P5? Or P6? I'm not sure.
But then this year, I find out that you're a reallyreallyreally pretty girl.
You're damn pretty I swear.
And I find out that guys in my church class talk about you like you're "the sexiest girl" they ever saw.
Omg, this was what I heard okay.
D (Some guy in my class) : Shuttup, he's on the phone with Saffron.
De (Another guy) : Omg, as in SAFFRON?
D : Dude, do you even know who Saffron is?
De : Yeah.
D : F*cking sexy.
HAHA. I didn't wanna hear the rest.
I didn't know it was YOU!
Until I found out through facebook.
So coincidental.
But you really are very pretty.
I should end this letter here.
It was nice meeting you, even though it was an accident :P

@ 8/17/2010 06:54:00 PM
Dear ex-crush.
Erm, hi.
I don't really know what to say to you.
I hope you're happy wherever you are now.
Oh, and I just thought I should let you know,
I think I really loved you.
But if I did,
Then what I'm feeling for my current crush has to be more than love.
So, I don't know if I really loved you,
But I know that I felt very very strongly for you.
So I wonder why now when I see you,
I don't feel a single thing. Most of the times.
It's weird, isn't it?
Anyway, this is kinda awkward.
Haha, I'm imagining you really reading this letter.
Kinda very weird.
Haha. Hm, so, yeah, I don't have much to say to you.
I thought I'd never be able to forget you,
But sometimes, I totally forget that you ever existed, y'know?
And I don't know why.
I'm scared it'll happen again.
I'm scared I'll forget the guy I like right now.
I don't want to.
I don't ever wanna forget him.
Maybe someday I'll regret even thinking that.
But right now, I really, really do not want to forget him, ever.
And I don't think I will,
But I thought I'd never forget you either.
I don't even know why I'm telling you this,
Okay, erm, bye?

I admit. This is kinda true.
@ 8/17/2010 06:45:00 PM
Dear stranger,
Well, I don't know who you are, coz I mean, you're a stranger,
But let me just tell you that you are the most hottest person I have ever met.
I'm serious.
I have never seen anyone as hotter than you.
Even most celebrities can't compare to you.
I'm serious.
So remember, that no matter what, you have an awesome face.
And body.
Don't forget that.
Here's to that girl at the mall.
You, are the most beautiful girl I have ever saw.
When I saw you, I was like "Damn."
You really are gorgeous,
You're beautiful.
Don't ever forget that.
You are beautiful.
And you are loved.
I wish you both happy lives.

@ 8/17/2010 06:29:00 PM
Dear Dreams,
Ah, my old friend.
How many times have I written to you?
Too many.
I've been asking things of you,
Thanking you.
But now,
I'm gonna say everything.
Firstly, well, you're still giving me the same old dream.
But I don't really mind it anymore because he came back.
So, it doesn't hurt that bad.
THAT bad.
It still does, though.
So could you ease it up a little?
The dream is amazing and all, but I don't wanna live in dreams anymore.
Even though this is actually my dreams.
I don't wanna start believing that I have some chance,
But when it all comes down, I dont have a single chance.
And everyone knows that.
Including you, I'm sure.
You're a part of me, aren't you?
But are you the part of me that believes;hopes, or are you the part of me who wants to stay sane?
What am I saying.
Of course you're the believer.
You're my dreams, for heaven's sake.
I'm sorry, it sounds like I'm writing to myself because I need to write to think things properly.
And well, even though I'm writing everything out, I still don't think I'm thinking straight.
I probably never will when it comes to him.
Because he's just so confusing, don't you agree?
I bet you do, because you show me things you yourself don't understand and you want me to make sense of them.
But I can't.
Why can't you understand that?
I don't understand you, dreams.
I can't make sense of you.
You show me the same dream for like, how many months,
And for WHAT?
What's the point, when this isn't even real love?
What's the point?

My heart and my dreams, are one and the same.
The dreamers, believers, hope-holders.
@ 8/16/2010 11:09:00 PM
Dear sissy,
Okay. Even though I have not been the greatest sister,
Even though I have taken advantage of you, being the pig I am/
Even though I haven't been there for you,
And force you to do stuff you don't wanna do,
The list goes on and on. :\
I know I haven't been good and all,
Deep, deep, deep,
Deep deep deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep,
Haha I'm kidding.
Just deep.
So, deep down in my heart, I still love you!
Like a lot!
I'd kill for you.
Yes, even if it means me going to hell and all that shit.
I have saved your life before, didn't I!
That counts for something :]
Twice, some more.
Haha, you careless bitch!
Take care of yourself, man.
Okay sis, I'm sorry,
But I gotta go do my homework now!

@ 8/16/2010 08:46:00 PM
Dear Mum and Dad.
I know I haven't been such a good girl,
I know I haven't been your dream daughter.
I know I go out too much, especially since you don't like it when I go out.
But you still give me money, you buy me things (some I don't even need),
You give me freedom,
And by giving me freedom and your trust,
You give me happiness.
So, I wanna thank you a lot.
So, so much.
More than anyone else.
You have made me the person I am today.
Without you, I wouldn't even be here.
And even though I sometimes wish that I was never born,
Come to think of it,
If I never was born,
I'd never have met such lovely people that are in my life right now.
I'd never have experienced the most amazing, magical things.
I'd never have been able to experience my heart beating so fast at just the sight of certain things.
Certain, wonderful things. Haha.
I'd never have been able to taste the heavenly goodness of chocolate and starbucks ;)
If I was never born,
I'd be nothing.
And even though I'd rather be nothing sometimes,
There are other times where I just love life.
Like a lot.
And if it weren't for you, I'd never be.. Well, here.
So, thank you.
And it's not just for bringing me here,
You've helped me no matter what,
You've always been there.
You tell me that I can tell you anything, even if it's something that will upset you, so that you can help me.
You support me in everything I do.
And although I get pissed off with you sometimes and I take advantage of you,
I really, really, really appreciate your being there.
And I'm sorry.
You'll never know how much I love you.
But even though I'm not expressive,
Even though I don't actually tell you many things,
And I don't come to you when I'm sad or in trouble,
I want you to know that I feel you there, always.
I know I'm not alone.
Because you told me you'd be there when I need you,
And I trust your words.
You may even be reading this right now,
I'm not sure.
So if you are,
I love you :)

Haha, this was the only picture I could find.
Well, this is true.
Thanks mum for somehow knowing just what to do! (:
@ 8/16/2010 07:50:00 PM
Yeah, you.
I've wasted a lot, a lot, a lot of time on you.
And well,
Even though I still think that you have the most gorgeous eyes,
A bright bright smile,
Delicious smell,
Even though I still think that you speak to me differently,
Even though I love it when you dance, play the guitar, when you look at me, when you said you liked my name, when you call me, when you touch me, when you smile at me, when you tell me that it's gonna be okay,
Even though I still get goose bumps when I look at you,
Even though I can think of 100 reasons on the spot of why I love you..,
Don't believe me?
Let me show you.
1. I love the way you smile.
2. I love your laugh.
3. I love the way you glance at me, especially from sideways.
4. I love the way you dress.
5. I love the way you walk.
6. I love that you only have a dimple on your right cheek.
7. I love the way you speak.
8. I love the way you dance.
9. I love that you’re so talented.
10. I love that you are so cute.
11. I love that you listen to music.
12. I love how you’re so good at so many things you do.
13. I love how you use your phone in front of me.
14. I love how you tease me.
15. I love how you like to make fun of people.
16. I love how you indirectly say you like me (even though it's not the kind of "like" I'm wishing for).
17. I love how you’re so different from most people.
18. I love how you have so much money but you’re not snobbish.
19. I love how you play basketball.
20. I love how I sometimes get confused around you.
21. I love how you don’t like crowds.
22. I love how you play hard to get… Even though you are actually hard to get.
23. I love how you smile to yourself sometimes when you think of something amusing.
24. I love how you are when you have a rhythm stuck in your head.
25. I love how you snap your fingers to a rhythm.
26. I love how you clap your hands.
27. I love how you stood right at the back hoping that no one would notice. I did, by the way.
28. I love how you sometimes zone out and accidentally start staring at me without realizing it.
29. I love how I look at you and notice that you were already staring at me.
30. I love your hair.
31. I love your beautiful brown eyes and how they appear a little bit golden in the sun.
32. I love the way you run your fingers through your hair.
33. I love the days your hair doesn’t cooperate with you and you keep trying to keep it in place but then you give up after a while. Hahahahaha. :)
34. I love how you save me from dying of boredom.
35. I love that you know I love you… It makes things a bit easier to understand.
36. I love how I have to chase after you.
37. I love how you make me chase after you!
38. I love how you stammer.
39. I love the way you say my name.
40. I love that you said you liked my name.
41. I love how you blow people off but never do it to me.
42. I love how you helped me in something important.
43. I love how you trust me with things.
44. I love how you are always appearing out of nowhere when I wish you were there. Even though it’s kind of freaky, I appreciate it so much!
45. I love how you carry the same water bottle around.
46. I love how some of your items are so precious.
47. I love how you always use the same two pieces of jewellery.
48. I love how you know so many people think you’re good-looking but you don’t care.
49. I love how you smile at me and tell me when I blush.
50. I love how you flip your hair, look up at me and say “Hey”. Ah, shittt. ♥♥♥
51. I love how you and I share an inside joke about someone ;)
52. I love how you got angry but after that when you made me chase after you again, you asked me “Was I that scary? Don’t be scared. It’s okay, really.”
53. I love how you’re sensitive.
54. I love how you put some people before yourself.
55. I love that you lied to protect me.
56. I love how you don’t lose your temper with me.
57. I love how you drive.
58. I love how your cars are so different.
59. I love how you hold yourself.
60. I love that you’re always eating the same thing.
61. I love how I know where you go to shop.
62. I love how you go to the places I go.
63. I love how I know where your favourite place to be is.
64. I love how you do what you want and don’t give a shit.
65. I love how you’re so committed to the things you do.
66. I love how you’re the reason I can’t fall asleep at night – My mind is always too busy thinking of you.
67. I love how you make me prove myself.
68. I love how you find the most random things amusing.
69. I love the way you look when you’re shocked.
70. I love your half-smiles.
71. I love your lop-sided smiles!♥
72. I love that we are of the same descent.
73. I love how you know when I want to wave at you but I hesitate, then you say "You can wave, you know."
74. I love how you make me feel so alive.
75. I love how you came back when I needed you most.
76. I love how you don’t mind it when I ask you things I’m not supposed to ask you.
77. I love how it feels so right being with you.
78. I love how some of our encounters can and will never leave my mind.
79. I love how you bought ice cream the other day.
80. I love how you taught me things.
81. I love that can play the guitar.
82. I love that you can break dance.
83. I love that you are sometimes so oblivious,
84. Or you might just be a very good actor, which I love too.
85. I love how you understand.
86. I love how you’re so fashionable.
87. I love how my first impression of you was, What if he was my soul mate?
88. I love how you’re always on my mind.
89. I love how when I make a wish, you’re the first thing that pops into my mind.
90. I love how you’re unique and everyone wants to be around you but you prefer to be alone.
91. I love how I’m never going to give up on you.
92. I love how you’re shadowing my heart; you’re always there. And it’s dark.
93. I love how so many songs I listen to relate to you.
94. I love how you’re like a melody in my head and a lullaby to my heart.
95. I love how you grin to yourself when I ignore you! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
96. I love how you unexpectedly show up and make my day.
97. I love how word of you spreads so fast.
98. I love how you feel so different from everyone else. Or maybe that’s just me.
99. I love how you expect me do something but I do something else and you frown but then smile like you just heard a joke or something. Even though this confuses me sometimes.
100. I love how I know what you’re seeing.
And the list goes on and on and on.
Hah. I think I'm crazy.
Anyway, so, even though I love everything about you,
I am going to get over you one day.
I don't care. I have to.
Because if I don't, then well, I'm in deep shit.
I'll spend the rest of my life alone coz you'll never love me back.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure I will get over you, though.
Because this isn't love. It can't be.

@ 8/15/2010 02:46:00 PM
Dear Christine,
Well, hey! :) I don’t know if you’re gonna read this, but here I go!
Okay, I’mma keep this short and sweet :3
Okay. So basically, you’re the bestest friend I have ever had. E.V.E.R!
Really and truly.
We’ve been best friends for 4 years now.
And even when I grow old and wrinkly and gross,
I’ll always remember how I met you.
Hahaha, seriously.
It’s such a weird way of meeting, huh?
Heehee. We are weird. Our friendship is weird. But HECK, I LOVE IT (:
You are the one I’ve told the most number of secrets to.
And even though you’ve given away some (like at the prata shop! HAHA),
Um, I forgive you.
And I will continue to trust you.
Maybe I’m being foolish,
Maybe I’m wasting my trust.
I mean, you’ll never know, will you?
That’s just what people tell me.
But let me tell you something.
I trust you.
I have trust issues,
But I have told you my deepest secret before.
You just don’t remember it.
So you are in fact, the person I’ve told everything to.
I’ve told you a lot of stuff.
A lot.
But yeah, like I said, you don’t remember most of my secrets.
Haha. So yeah.
Oh right, short and sweet!
So, basically, you’re the bestest friend I have ever had.
And I love you! :]

But don't worry love!
I won't eat you!♥
@ 8/15/2010 02:37:00 PM
30 Day Letter Challenge
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
So, this is actually a Tumblr thing,
But my letters were so long,
I decided to do it here instead :]
Oh, and here's a warning.
I might do more than one per day :)
So, if you wanna read all of them,
You should scroll to the previous one to check if you've read it yet or not.
Do it too!
I dare youuu.
Okay, bye.

@ 8/15/2010 02:27:00 PM
Okay, so.
I don't really have much to say.
Lazy to blog about everything.
Argh, my head is a terrible place to be right now.
Not in a sad way, but in a everything-is-so-complicated-i-wish-i-could-die kinda way (:
But my friends are keeping me from dying.
I swear, the outings we have are so fuhreaking fun!
Oh God, the best times of my life.
(Take that, bitch. I'm trying to forget about you and leave you behind. Sometimes, I wish you never came back. If you didn't, would I be over you by now?)
Heehee. So thanks guys, for the a.w.e.s.o.m.e. times! :]
Love you guys loads!♥
Oh! Forgot to mention, commontests are over baybeh! :)
I feel happyyy.
I have a feeling my parents are gonna ruin my mood soon, though.
Well whatever. Right now, I'm happy :)
Okay. Bye!

Yeah, so basically, you weren't the guy I thought you were.
I wonder what I ever saw in you.
To be honest, I never really knew.
@ 8/15/2010 01:43:00 PM
Okay, just wanna say that I changed my tumblr URL (:
Follow me @ Her Deep Secrets .
Okay? (:

@ 8/12/2010 01:04:00 PM
Okay, so geography today was... crap ):
So annoyed.
Geog's usually my best subject.
Partly it was because I was having a bloody headache and my nose was killing me and I felt like throwing up.
English was okay, though.
So I'm not gonna take History and MT tomorrow :)
I'll be going to the doctor later.
I'll blog tmr or something :)

@ 8/11/2010 04:31:00 PM
So, I realised that my blog was like a Tumblr,
And so I just created a Tumblr! Haha.
www.those-forgottendreams.tumblr.com (:
If you have an account, follow me kay?
I'll follow you back! :]
Well, so now I'm mugging like shit.
Damned CAs.
It's Geography tmr.
I hate land supply, that bitch.
I'm almost done though! :D
So, yeah!
I'll go now.

@ 8/10/2010 02:53:00 PM
Hehe. Yesterday was plain awesome :)
I'll upload the pictures soon, k babes!

@ 8/09/2010 12:40:00 PM
So young and innocent.
What happened to us?
Now I know it will be okay.
Because no matter what,
I still have you as my best friend.
I love you.

@ 8/07/2010 06:43:00 PM
You gotta make decisions in life.
You could either sit there and be miserable,
Or be brave and fix things.
I'm gonna be a new person,
I will be strong now.
No more tears, no more anger.

@ 8/07/2010 01:08:00 PM